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Mechatronics (EN)

Student mit Industrielabor.
At a glance
Regular period
3 semesters
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Apply till 04/15

Master Mechatronics [M.Sc.]

  • International with students from all over the world
  • English as the main course language, with German as an additional subject  
  • Practice-oriented curriculum with support of a voluntary internship
  • starting every winter semester


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Importance of mechatronics

Wind turbine, airbag, quadrocopter or industrial robot - these products are good examples of the coming together of the three disciplines of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering - mechatronics. However, the development of mechatronic systems is more than the mere joining of subsystems or components from these fields. Mechatronics means merging the three disciplines right from the start of the development process. Interdisciplinary networked thinking and action enables the creation of innovative products that meet the requirements of the modern industrial and information society.

Studierende im Elektrotechnik-Labor.

Study contents

The master's program in mechatronics is designed for three semesters. At the beginning of the program, an individual schedule is developed together with all students, which takes into account the previously completed study content. This strategy is continued with the lecture Advanced Mathematics, which provides solid basics as well as important tools for the further course of studies.

The brains of many mechatronic systems are embedded systems, which are the main focus of the second semester. Accompanying this, relevant topics of electrical engineering, such as sensors and actuators, power electronics and electrical drives are covered. Due to their high relevance, further lectures are dedicated to the simulation and integration of mechatronic systems as well as their regulation and control.

Within the framework of the Scientific Project, students work on their own projects - independently and in international teams. In the third semester, the master thesis is completed, often in regional and national industrial companies.

Studierende im Elektrotechnik-Labor.

Profession & Perspectives

Graduates in mechatronics are in high demand in the professional world. The overarching knowledge that combines the classic individual disciplines of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and information technology is needed wherever complex technical systems have to be developed.

Due to the breadth of this future-oriented education, there are excellent job market opportunities in a wide variety of industries, such as power engineering, electromobility, automation technology and robotics. Furthermore, the completed master's degree enables a career in research and science and entitles you to take up a doctorate.


download Flyer Mechatronics M.Sc.
All information compactly at a glance.
All information compactly at a glance.
pdf (2 MB)
download Module Manual Mechatronics M.Sc. of WiSe24/25
Older module manuals are stored in the QM Portal.
Older module manuals are stored in the QM Portal.
pdf (210 kB)
download Study and Examination Regulations Mechatronics M.Sc.
§30 Mechatronics Study and Examination Regulations of 2022-06-23
§30 Mechatronics Study and Examination Regulations of 2022-06-23
pdf (74 kB)
download Study and Examination Regulations for EN Master’s Programs, updated June 27th, 2024
Study and examination regulations for EN master’s programs - This revision statute comes into force in the winter semester 2024-25.
Study and examination regulations for EN master’s programs - This revision statute comes into force in the winter semester 2024-25.
pdf (476 kB)
download Aktuelle Zulassungs- und Auswahlsatzung der RWU für Masterstudiengänge - gültig ab WiSe24/25
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Regelungen zum Hochschulzulassungs- und –auswahlverfahren für Masterstudiengänge vom 16. Mai 2024
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Regelungen zum Hochschulzulassungs- und –auswahlverfahren für Masterstudiengänge vom 16. Mai 2024
pdf (186 kB)

Further information

Curriculum Preview

Download curriculum


1. ADMISSION & Application

1.1 Admission Requirements

The Master's program in Mechatronics is designed as a full-time English speaking study program with a duration of 3 semesters, always starting in the winter semester (beginning of September). All lectures, laboratory courses and practical exercises take place at the RWU Campus in Weingarten. Currently offering 30 places per year. This course is dedicated to EU and non-EU citizens as well as to German students.

In order to qualify for our Master's Program, you have to fulfill the following requirements:

  • A completed Bachelor’s Degree in the field of mechanical or electrical engineering, mechatronics, computer science or any other related field of study with a final grade of min. 2,5 (German grading system) and 210 ECTS (corresponding to a 4-year full-time study program). *
  • Proven English skills e.g. TOEFL iBT with a total score of min. 70 or IELTS with an overall band score of min. 6.0 - Medium of Instruction Certificates are not accepted!
  • Very good Mathematic skills (part of your bachelor's transcript)

* Graduates with only 180 ECTS have to make up the missing 30 ECTS  during their Master's program. Applicants who have not obtained their Bachelor‘s Degree, pending, will be ranked according to their penultimate / 7th semester CGPA (6th semester transcripts only, are not accepted).



The overall grade can be improved by up to 0,6 points (German grading system) in total, however, for each category by a max. of 0,2:

  • Proven relevant work experience, a minimum of 1 year
  • Published research paper in the field of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science or Mechatronics
  • Provided GRE exam with a score of min. 161 in Quantitative Reasoning
  • Provided Programming certificates, proof of knowledge in C, C++, C#, Java, Julia, MATLAB, Python or Rust



Since the course language is English, a minimum requirement of the English skills need to be met and recognised as follows, certificates in either:

  •     TOEFL iBT: a total score of min. 70
  •     IELTS: an overall band score of min. 6.0

ETS institution codes: TOEFL: 8442, GRE: 8442



Our 30 available places are awarded to a ranking list, the applicant's place is based on his/ her overall grade.

Over the recent years we consistently received over 700 applications for this program, please review your application carefully and only send us your application if you meet our current admission requirements and prerequisites.


1.2 APplication PROCEDURE

! The application portal for the winter intake 2024/25 is closed. We do not accept any further applications.

APPLICATION PERIOD FOR THE WINTER INTAKE 2025/26: 01.02.2025 - 15.04.2025

The deadlines are cut-off periods. Please note, that your application will only be considered when your postal application has been received within the application period.

1. ONLINE APPLICATION: Kindly register with our RWU online application portal, available 01.02.2025 onwards, and submit your application online. Further information: RWU Online Application

2. POSTAL APPLICATION: Please submit the following documents after your online application:

  1. Original signed Application Form
  2. A true Certified Copy of your final or provisional Bachelor’s Degree in English or German
  3. A true Certified Copy of your final or penultimate Academic Transcripts, including your university’s grading system
  4. Normal Copy of your University Entrance Qualification
  5. English Language Certificate (TOEFL iBT, IELTS) - no older than 2 years! Medium of Instruction Certificates are not accepted!
  6. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  7. Normal Copy of your Passport (for the verification of names, date of birth and place of birth)
  8. Motivation Letter/ Statement of Purpose (Why do you intend to study Mechatronics at the RWU?)
  9.  If applicable:  Applicants from India, China or Vietnam: Normal Copy of APS Certificate
  10. If applicable: German Language Certificate
  11. If applicable: Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Score Report
  12. Programming Certificates (Proof of Knowledge in C, C++, C#, Java, Julia, MATLAB, Python or Rust)
  13. If applicable: Recommendation Letters (Proof of relevant Work Experience)
  14. If applicable: Publications (Proof of Professional/ Research Activities

All documents have to be sent to the following address:

RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
Studierenden-Service H 022
Frau Yasemin Ercan
Doggenriedstrasse 70
D-88250 Weingarten


2. GEneral Information

Administration & Tuition Fees

Each semester, all students are required to pay a semester fee, due upon enrolment or at any re-registration for the following semester.

In Baden-Württemberg, since the winter semester 2017/2018, all international students (non-EU citizens) and students who are taking up a second degree also have to pay a tuition fee. The tuition fee is to be paid together with the semester fee.

Further information about the exact fees and more detailed information about payments, exemptions and scholarships can be found at our Finance's Website


Admission Office

Department of Student Affairs
Ms Yasemin Ercan
Phone: + 49 751 501-9545


International Office

Please take a look at our International Office Website for further information regarding:

  •     Visa & Residence Title
  •     Accomodation & Housing
  •     Arrival, Welcome & Orientation Program
  •     Buddy Program, Brother & Sister Program
  •     Excursions & Events
  •     Peer-to-peer counseling
  •     German Language Courses
  •     Financing & Scholarships
  •     German Health Insurance
  •     German Bank Accounts


India RElation Office

Let's bridge IT
Iris Becker M.A.
9th Floor, Sunit Capital
Senapati Bapat Road
Pune 411016
Mobile India +91 7378530550
Office Pune +91 75 078 2 70 33
Personal consulting by appointment only.

In the framework of the application procedure, you are free to contact Let's bridge IT. The use of the Let's bridge IT services is voluntary and will have no effect on your admission.

Regelungs- und Prozesstechnik

Control and Process Engineering

E-Mobility-Labor von außen.

E-Mobility (X-LAB)

Academic Life
You prefer a "hands-on" approach over a theoretical one? You rather enjoy working in small groups, than being part of the big unknown?
  • Our RWU has a long history of practical experience, starting back in 1964 with our faculty in Mechanical Engineering & Physical Engineering. The study programs at our Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences are characterized by practical training and numerous projects in modern, well-equipped laboratories. Students study in small groups, individually supervised by a team of highly qualified professors and assistants. Nearby dormitories and many leisure activities in the attractive landscape of Upper Swabia, close to the Lake of Constance and the Alps offer an excellent environment and the best conditions for studying, working and of course: living.
  • The unique strength of our RWU's academic life lies in practice: Research, Knowledge and Technology Transfer. The research of today is the future of tomorrow. Our courses are application-oriented and prepare students for demanding technical tasks as well as challenging leadership roles. We put the results of our research into practice, advising and supporting organizations in their research and development projects. Interested in our latest research topics? Link: h ttps://
  • For more than 30 years now our RWU offers English-speaking study programs and can look back to a very successful development of international study programs. Our International Office is well-known among international students and can draw upon years of knowledge and experience in all topics related to living & studying here in Weingarten. Furthermore, we also care about each and everyone's individual study success: supporting our students in their academic questions by offering a peer-to-peer approach. If you are interested in learning more about or special Orientation & Welcome Week, offered Excursions & Events, as well as Buddy Programs, take a look at: https: //
Job Prospective
You intend to stay and work in Germany? Or all around the world?
  • Our RWU is located in the south of Germany, close to the Lake of Constance and one of the most beautiful tri-border and strongest economic regions in Europe. Our study programs are characterized by a high degree of practical, real-world orientation and a close cooperation with the global players around us, e.g. Airbus, Continental, MTU, Vetter and ZF.
  • Mission: Realizing Potential. Shaping the Future. Our RWU is a nationally and internationally respected educational institution, a successful research university as well as a renowned partner for companies and other organizations. The high quality of our teaching, research and continuing education ensure that our graduates are well-respected and more qualified than the average. Our graduates can rely on a broad intercultural competence, are global in their thinking and ready to take on responsibility.
  • The individual advice offered by our Career Service provides an excellent opportunity to get to know the latest job offers here in the region: and our progressive German Language Courses provided by our CLIC offer an easy way to build a profound basis in German: https: //…
Student Life
You are looking for an economic and recreational attractive study place? Offering both national and international advantages?
  • Our RWU can be found in one of Germany's most beautiful landscapes and one of the most attractive vacation destinations. Weingarten is a great place to be, not only to study and work, but also to live. The region of Upper Swabia, close to the Lake of Constance offers a unique variety of cultural, recreational and sportive activities. Curious? Join our online campus tour: https: //
  • Student life in and around Weingarten never gets boring. If you are interested in culture and festivals: e.g. the famous Rutenfest in Weingarten, the Welfenfest in Weingarten or the historic Carnival all over the region. Or if you are more interested in sports and nature: e.g. university sport, mountain biking or skiing in the Alps, excursions to one of the many wine yards nearby. For further information: In addition, if you are interested in joining one of our RWU Student Associations & Projects: e.g. Formula Student Team, Rover 2 Mars, Big Band, etc. take a look here: https: //
  • We see diversity as an opportunity and actively support all members of our university regardless of gender, nationality, faith, creed, disability, age or sexual orientation. Our bilingual courses especially are attended by both German students and students from all over the world. Innovative concepts, direct and open communication and individualized support are the hallmarks of our university. Interested in our students' opinion? Interviews:
Why study Mechatronics at our RWU
Interested in three different disciplines? An individual timetable and practical work experience?
  • Industrial robots, wind turbines or airbags - perfect examples for the merger of three disciplines: computer science, electrical and mechanical engineering. Short: mechatronics. With your M. Sc. in Mechatronics you will deepen your knowledge of the above mentioned disciplines, developing and creating innovative products for the modern industrial and information society.
  • At the beginning of your studies, an individual timetable will be worked out based on your previously completed Bachelor's Program and your desired job. Within your curriculum then you will gain valuable practical knowledge combined with international competences, which makes it very easy for our students to start a career at well-known companies, such as Bosch, BWM or ZF. And even though your curriculum does not include a mandatory internship, our RWU supports and even recommends voluntary internships to strengthen practical work experience and to establish social networks.
  • Your Master's Degree will enable you to pursue a PhD afterwards. For further information about the individual courses, take a look at the latest Study & Examination Regulations.
Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours Mon-Fri: 9.00 - 12.00 hrs
Room H220
On campus
Building H (main building)
Doggenriedstrasse 70
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Mechatronics (EN)
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Application Information

Application Information Mechatronics

Contact Details for M.Sc. in Mechatronics

Dean of Studies & Academic Advising

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raphael Ruf

Elektrotechnik und Mechatronik
Studiendekan und Studienberater Mechatronics (Master)
Ruf, Raphael

Dean's Office

Priska Urban

Dekanatssekretariat, Bachelorstudiengänge (DE + EN) Elektromobilität und regenerative Energien, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik sowie Masterstudiengänge (EN) Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems, Mechatronics
Priska Urban

Isabelle Cros

Dekanatssekretariat (Koordination), Fakultätsratssitzungen, Deputatsabrechnung, Berufungen
Isabelle Cros

Professors & Professors

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lothar Berger

Control engineering, process engineering, mathematical methods
Head of Study Program Electrical Engineering and Embedded Systems (Master), Head of the Control and Process Technology Laboratory
Lothar Berger

Prof. Dr.-Ing. László Farkas

Leistungselektronik, Elektrische Antriebe

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Niedermeier

Lightweight construction and structural materials

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raphael Ruf

Elektrotechnik und Mechatronik
Studiendekan und Studienberater Mechatronics (Master)
Ruf, Raphael

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Schneider

Head of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Focus: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, intelligent robotics
Markus Schneider

Prof. Dr.-Ing. hab. Ralf Stetter

Design and development in automotive engineering
Dean of Studies Product Development in Mechanical Engineering (Master), International Representative of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Stetter

Prof. Dr. Michael Winkler

Simulation in product development
Prof. Dr. Michael Winkler

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Wöllhaf

Mechatronics, automation, robotics, simulation, tools: Matlab/Simulink, process simulator, VRML, data processing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konrad Wöllhaf

Examination Office

Monika Huber

Student Examinations Office Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Student Administration Office
Study programs IO, IP, WB, WP, EMM, IN, MM, MW/DBM
Monika Huber


Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler

Online marketing, search engine marketing, e-business
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler