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Family-friendly university

Eltern Kind Büro 2
Certificate & Service
Zertifikat familiengerechte Hochschule.jpg
Quelle: Vivian Missel

Audit "family-friendly university"

RWU has been certified by the berufundfamilie Service GmbH as a family-friendly university since 2015. Many measures to improve the compatibility of studies or work and family have been implemented in the course of the audit, and more are in preparation.

All offers and information for students with children or other family care responsibilities are presented in detail in the brochure "Studying with Family Responsibilities", which you can find as a download at the bottom of the page.

Members of the university who need advice and help regarding the compatibility of studies or work with their family responsibilities, do not hesitate to contact the person listed under "Contact & People".

Eltern-Kind-Büro 1

Parent-Child Office

The parent-child office in room M 306 is equipped with a PC workstation, changing table, nursing chair, crib, nice toys for small and elder children, and a children's desk. It is primarily available to RWU employees who exceptionally need to bring their child to work. However, if it has not been reserved by employees (see below), it can also be used by students.

Employees or students who would like to use the parent-child office should contact

You will then receive the code for the key box outside the parent-child office and acess to the Moodle course for reservations, the room allocation schedule and the regulations for use.

The telephone number of the parent-child office is 0751 501-9919.

Eltern-Kind-Büro Wickeln

Diapering and breastfeeding

You will find changing tables

  • in the Elten-Kind office (M 306), see above
  • in the changing room A 106
  • in the disabled WCs in buildings C, H, L and M
  • in the disabled WC of the dining hall
  • in the following rooms of the PH Weingarten:
    • Ladies' WCs in sports center (0.13) and castle building (S0.07)
    • Men's WC in the castle building (S1.05)
    • Disabled WCs in building W and Fruchtkasten (university library).

Mothers who wish to breastfeed their child in a protected space can do so in the parent-child office, which is equipped with a nice nursing chair. They may also use the first aid rooms B 106, H 010, L 019 and M 110 for this purpose. The first aiders (see notice in the entrance area of the buildings), but also other staff members, are happy to unlock the rooms if necessary. In building H, Ms. Arsene, room H 042, is the preferred point of contact.

NEW: Room A 304 is also equipped with an armchair and is available to students with babies as a nursing and rest room.

Eltern-Kind-Büro 4

Parental leave

For employees of the university and their superiors, a process model for parental leave was developed in cooperation with the HR department. It outlines procedures, deadlines and responsibilities in the event of pregnancy and parental leave.

Kinderspielecke Hochschulbibliothek

Play corner in the university library

With toys and books for children of different ages, as well as a workstation for parents, the PH has set up a play corner in the joint university library (Fruchtkasten). It is located on the left-hand side in the back of the first floor, screened by gray partitions, and is open to all users who bring their child to the library.


Emergency folder

The emergency folder is a service offered by berufundfamilie GmbH for us as a certified university. In the event of a nursing emergency, it is intended to provide your relatives with a quick, comprehensive overview of your most important data and documents. It contains forms, links and instructions for action, was updated in 2021 and can be filled out electronically.

Please request the emergency folder by emailing .


download Studieren mit Familienaufgaben.pdf
Infos Studieren mit Familienaufgaben
Infos Studieren mit Familienaufgaben
pdf (483 kB)
download Ablaufmodell Elternzeit
Ablaufmodell Elternzeit
Ablaufmodell Elternzeit
pdf (141 kB)

Further information

Study with child

Special regulations in the study and examination regulations

For Students who are caring for a child up to the age of fourteen or who have other family care obligations, the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) provide for a number of special regulations that allow the study program to be stretched out over a longer period of time.

The study and examination regulations are deposited in the download area of the examination office. The special regulations can be found in § 28 of the Bachelor SPO and § 26 of the Master SPO.

Sonderregelungen der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung

Für Studierende, die ein Kind bis zum vollendeten vierzehnten Lebensjahr betreuen oder andere familiäre Betreuungspflichten haben, sieht die Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (SPO) eine Reihe von Sonderregelungen vor, die eine zeitliche Streckung des Studiums ermöglichen. Eine Übersicht über die Sonderregelungen finden Sie unter Downloads.

Die Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen sind im Downloadbereich des Prüfungsamts hinterlegt. Die Sonderregelungen finden sich in § 28 der Bachelor-SPO und § 26 der Master-SPO.

Eltern-Kind-Büro Stillen

Maternity protection

The Maternity Protection Act also applies to students. Accordingly, female students can notify the Student Service of their pregnancy or breastfeeding. Their course of study will then be examined under maternity protection aspects.

Students who are unable to take an examination in the scheduled form or time due to their pregnancy or while breastfeeding can apply for compensation for disadvantages by submitting a qualified medical certificate to the university's central examination board.

The forms for the notification of pregnancy and for the application for disadvantage compensation can be found in the QM portal.

Financial aids

An overview of financial assistance for families can be found

  • here at Seezeit Studierendenwerk Bodensee
  • here at the German Student Union
  • here at the Studentenwerk Gießen.

BAföG-eligible students with a child under the age of 14 receive a childcare supplement. Applications are available online or at the Seezeit Service Center in the Mensa. Initial advice can also be obtained there.

There is no other financial aid specifically for student parents, but there are various support measures or offers for parents in general, for students in general, and for people in financial need. They are presented in the brochure Studying with Family Responsibilities, which can be downloaded below. In particular, we would like to point out the information on the child supplement (KiZ). Here you can find out more, and here you can check whether you are eligible and, if necessary, apply for the supplement online. Please also note the information on possible subsidies for childcare costs.

In cases of hardship, students can apply for bridging assistance from the Seezeit Student Union apply.

The Federal Foundation Mother and Child - Protection of Unborn Life helps pregnant women in emergency situations.

Students who have an ERASMUS-stay (study or internship semester in another European country) with one or more children receive a monthly top-up. Please contact the International Office.

Grafik SFS DSW

Offers and information of the Studentenwerk

Kinderzeit is the name of the services offered by Seezeit Studierendenwerk Bodensee: care, financial matters, housing, food.

Further information can be found at the Service Agency for Family-Friendly Studies (SFS) of the German Student Union, including the SFS-Infobrief and an overview of the social and family policy innovations in 2022.




With the MensaKidsCard, children of students up to the age of 10 can eat for free in the Mensa.

For more information, please contact the Studierendenwerk Seezeit.

Parents Forum and Club F.A.I.R.

In cooperation with our university and the PH Weingarten, the student club F.A.I.R. organizes a so-called parents' forum. The dates are announced by the Club F.A.I.R. via e-mail. The Parents' Forum is intended to offer students with child(ren) the opportunity to make contact with each other, to exchange information and experiences, to learn about new developments at the universities and to voice their concerns.

Club F.A.I.R. is a joint initiative of RWU and PH students and primarily supports students with children, contact:


download Studieren mit Familienaufgaben.pdf
Infos Studieren mit Familienaufgaben
Infos Studieren mit Familienaufgaben
pdf (483 kB)
download SPO Sonderregelungen für Studierende mit familiären Betreuungspflichten
SPO Sonderregelungen für Studierende mit familiären Betreuungspflichten
SPO Sonderregelungen für Studierende mit familiären Betreuungspflichten
pdf (178 kB)

Further information


For students: Special regulations in the study and examination regulations

For students caring for a close relative, the same special regulations of the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) apply as for students with children. The special regulations allow the study program to be stretched out over a longer period of time. They can be found in § 28 of the Bachelor's SPO and § 26 of the Master's SPO. The SPO's are deposited in the download area of the examination office.


  • In the case of home care, a caregiver must be specified in the application to the nursing care insurance fund. This caregiver will then also be named in the benefit notification that the care insurance company sends to the person in need of care if his/her application has been positively decided, i.e. a care degree has been granted. If the student is the caregiver listed here, this benefit notification is the proof that must be presented in the examination office.
  • If the student is not the caregiver listed, but lives in the same household as the caregiver and provides care support to the caregiver (i.e.: Student lives with his/her mother; she is the registered caregiver for the grandfather, but student assists the mother with care), the caregiver should confirm in an informal letter that the student is involved in caregiving. This letter must then be submitted to the Student Examinations Office along with the above-mentioned benefit notification.
  • If neither case applies to you, please describe your situation. A case-by-case examination will then be carried out

Close relatives according to § 7 para. 3 of the Caregiver Leave Act are

  1. Grandparents, parents, parents-in-law, stepparents,
  2. spouses, life partners, partners in a marriage-like or life partnership-like community, siblings, spouses of siblings and siblings of spouses, life partners of siblings and siblings of life partners,
  3. Children, adopted or foster children, the children, adopted or foster children of the spouse or domestic partner, children-in-law and grandchildren.

If necessary, please contact your program director or contact the person listed under "Contact & People".

You can find an initial overview of questions and answers on the topic of "Study and Care" in the: CHE guidebook "Short and compact: Studying and caring for relatives".

For employees: Caregiver leave

For employees, the Act to Improve the Reconciliation of Family, Care and Work has created a legal entitlement to time off for various situations in which close relatives require care or assistance. For state civil servants, the very similar provisions under Section 74 of the State Civil Servants Act apply.

An initial overview of the leave options can be found in the overview of caregiver leave, and detailed information can be found at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs.

Caregiver leave can be applied for or reported at the HR Department.


Emergency folder

The emergency folder is a service offered by berufundfamilie GmbH for us as a certified university. In the event of a nursing emergency, it is intended to provide your relatives with a quick, comprehensive overview of your most important data and documents. It contains forms, links and instructions for action, was updated in 2021 and can be filled out electronically.

Please request the emergency folder by emailing .


download SPO Sonderregelungen für Studierende mit familiären Betreuungspflichten
SPO Sonderregelungen für Studierende mit familiären Betreuungspflichten
SPO Sonderregelungen für Studierende mit familiären Betreuungspflichten
pdf (178 kB)
download Übersicht Pflegezeit
Übersicht Pflegezeit
Übersicht Pflegezeit
pdf (82 kB)
download CHE kurz und kompakt_Studium und Pflege
CHE kurz und kompakt_Studium und Pflege
CHE kurz und kompakt_Studium und Pflege
pdf (484 kB)

Crèche and day nursery

On campus

There are two facilities on campus that preferentially accept students' children. Applications for admission for a kindergarten year (September - August) must be submitted to the respective institution by mid-February. Thus, there is only one application deadline per year and it is well before the time when applicants find out if they will be offered a place at the university. Unfortunately, for first-year students, especially in the summer semester, it is therefore usually not possible to obtain a childcare place at short notice.

Day nursery Villa Kunterbunt for children from 8 months - 3 years

Provider: Studierendenwerk Bodensee Seezeit

Daycare center Mullewapp for children from 2 - 6 years

Provider: Studentenwerk Weiße Rose e.V.

In the city

In addition, the childcare facilities at the parents' place of residence are an option.

Childcare City of Weingarten

Childcare City of Ravensburg

Individual support


Daycare mothers or fathers can be an alternative or supplementary option for care. For children between 1 and 3 years of age, the youth welfare office covers a large part of the costs, regardless of income.

For more information, please contact the daycare placement office in the Ravensburg district.

Vacation care

In Weingarten

The city of Weingarten offers:

  • Vacation care (full or half day) for elementary school children during the Easter vacations, the Whitsun vacations, the last two weeks of the summer vacations, and the fall vacations.
  • Half-day care including lunch for children transferring from kindergarten to school during the first week of school in September.

Both offers are also open (with a small surcharge) to children who do not go to school in Weingarten. You can find more information here.

In Ravensburg and the surrounding area

The Ravensburg vacation program and camps offered by other providers and reported to the city of Ravensburg can be found here.

10:00 12:00

Vorsorgevollmacht und Patientenverfügung

Monika Bettinger
Gebäude K
10:30 12:00

Elternstammtisch - Studieren mit Familienaufgaben

Gebäude H (Hauptgebäude)
bei den Sitzplätzen unterhalb der Café-Bar
Contact & People

Contact person

Dr. Anja Wagner

Referentin für Gleichstellung
Anja Wagner

Prof. Dr. Jörg Wendorff

Educational Science, Vocational Education.
Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing, Senate Representative for University Didactics, Head of DRC-First Responder at RWU and PH, South America Representative.
Jörg Wendorff