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Faculty of Technology and Management

Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.
Bachelor­ courses
Master­ courses

Innovations are the most important success factor for companies and thus for our entire economy. This success requires the consistent training of junior staff. We attach great importance to the ability and willingness to innovate in our courses of study.


Our mission statement


Innovations are the most important success factor for companies and thus for our entire economy. This success requires the consistent training of junior staff. We place great emphasis on the ability and willingness to innovate in our courses of study. On the technological side, we lay the foundation through R&D (research and development)-oriented training of engineers. On the management side, we promote the transformation of innovations into commercially successful products.


The international integration of industry is increasing. As a result, more and more young talent is needed who can operate in this environment. Internationally oriented personalities have access to the best career opportunities. The Faculty of Technology and Management is constantly expanding its international contacts and permanently increasing the proportion of our students who spend part of their studies abroad. This includes the recognition of study achievements from abroad at the university and the joint development of study programs with selected partner universities abroad.


The Faculty of Technology and Management wants to:

  • Look beyond the individual disciplines and promote contacts with companies
  • Combine the expertise of a solid basic education with knowledge from the other disciplines of the faculty
  • Open up opportunities to form individual profiles
  • Focus on the systems approach that is so crucial today


Graduates who think and act entrepreneurially are ahead of their competitors in terms of career potential and ability to develop. The faculty requires its students to develop entrepreneurial skills and apply them.


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17:00 23:00

Study night in the canteen

Weingarten Cafeteria
No registration is necessary. You can simply drop by with your work.

Further information



Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.

Business administration and management

Faculty of Technology and Management
Studierende mit Buch.

Business Psychology

Faculty of Technology and Management

Industrial Engineering (Technology Management)

Faculty of Technology and Management
Studierende mit Roboter.

Mechatronics (EN)

Faculty of Technology and Management
Laser im Optiklabor.

Physical Engineering (DE)

Faculty of Technology and Management
Laser im Optiklabor.

Physical Engineering (EN)

Faculty of Technology and Management


Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.

Business Administration and Entrepreneurship

Faculty of Technology and Management

MBA International Business Management & Sustainability

Faculty of Technology and Management

Technology Management and Optimization

Faculty of Technology and Management

Insights into industrial engineering

Ravensburg commercial schools visit RWU

In the penultimate week of school before the summer vacation, 38 inquisitive pupils from the Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg came to RWU to learn about studying at the university as part of a project week.

RWU Fakultät T Abschlussfeier Juni 2024 (16)

Faculty of Technology and Management

Outstanding achievements honored

78 graduates successfully completed their studies at RWU last winter semester. These achievements have now been honored and celebrated at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Technology and Management.

Andreas Werner

Faculty of Technology and Management

Process mining - a method with many possible applications

Process Mining! - In a workshop at the Faculty of Technology and Management, participants learned about the methodology in a practical way. Guest: Andreas Werner from pharmaceutical service provider Vetter.

Digitalisierungscafé März 2024

Digitization café

3D sensor technology - between hobby use and everyday work

3D sensors and camera technology are becoming increasingly important. Accordingly, the current digitization café saw an intensive exchange of ideas on this topic.

Abschlussfeier_Technologie_und_Management (6)

Faculty of Technology and Management

"Go out and change this world!"

The Faculty of Technology and Management honored and bid farewell to its graduates in a festive setting.

Home-Coming-Party der Fakultät T 2023

Faculty T

Homecoming Party

There were no graduation ceremonies between 2020 and 2022. Faculty T did not want to let that stand and invited to the homecoming party.

Wer keine Delle hauen will

In conversation with the Schwäbische Zeitung

"If you don't want to make a dent, you won't".

About digitization in Germany, generation Z and the role of vacuum cleaners

International Business Project Budapest

International Business Project

Students of the International Academy on a study trip in Budapest

On the initiative of Prof. Dr. Barbara Niersbach, a study week to Budapest was held for the first time in April 2023 as part of the International Academy.

We introduce ourselves

This is what employees of the Faculty of Technology and Management have to say:

Heike Willax
Quelle: Privat

What matters to me

"Having an eye for detail - without losing sight of the big picture."

Heike Willax
Vice Dean of Faculty T
Professor of Finance and Strategic Management

Samuel Vogel
Quelle: Privat

The ideas are on the way

"I get the best ideas on the way to the lecture through our wonderful Upper Swabian nature."

Samuel Vogel
Professor for Digital Technologies

Angelika Bosl
Quelle: Katja Ott Photography

Versatility and diversity

"The best thing about our degree programs, in my opinion, is the versatility and diversity of the courses.
There are so many opportunities opening up after graduation."

Angelika Bosl
Physics engineer and academic staff member

Quelle: Privat

Always towards the goal

"It's perfectly acceptable to set higher goals in life.
Not everything that seems unattainable in life actually is."

Andreas Schmidthöfer
Dean of Business Studies and Management

Marc Weindel
Quelle: Privat

New horizons

"Once considered dusty, many new horizons are opening up in the accounting/corporate reporting profession. The drivers for this are further increasing legal requirements, growing digitization and, last but not least, sustainability reporting, which will be mandatory for around 15,000 companies in Germany in the future."

Marc Weindel
Professor of Accounting and Business Law

Götz Walter
Quelle: Privat

Flexible working requires trust

"Self-determined, flexible working works - and it works
and without any loss of productivity.
Companies must learn to
trust their employees."

Götz Walter
Professor of Business Psychology

Image galleries
RWU Fakultät T Abschlussfeier Juni 2024 (10)

Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Technology and Management

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Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours Monday - Friday from 9:00-11:45 a.m.
Room H 123
On campus
Building H (main building)
Doggenriedstrasse 70
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Technology and Management
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nils Hagen

Materialwirtschaft und Logistik, Globale Distributionsnetzwerke, Internationale Beschaffung
Dekan der Fakultät Technologie und Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nils Hagen

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pufall

Produktionstechnik und -optimierung, Technologiemanagement
Studiendekan im Dekanat Technologie und Management; Studiendekan Technik-Management und Optimierung (Master)
Dr. Andreas Pufall

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heike Willax

Finanzwirtschaft, Planung, Controlling, Management Simulation und Strategisches Management
Studiendekanin Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Management (Bachelor), Prodekanin der Fakultät Technologie und Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heike Willax


Nicole Gebhard

Sekretariat Fakultät Technologie und Management
Bachelorstudiengang „Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen“ (TW); Masterstudiengang „Technik-Management & Optimierung“ (TMO)
Nicole Gebhard

Doris Mazzini

Sekretariat Fakultät Technologie und Management
Masterstudiengang "International Business Management & Sustainability"
Doris Mazzini

Sylvia Pilz

Sekretariat Fakultät Technologie und Management
Bachelorstudiengänge "Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Management“ (BM) und "Wirtschaftspsychologie“ (PW); Masterstudiengang „Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmerisches Handeln (BWU); Mitglied des Fakultätsrats
Sylvia Pilz

Ulrike Reck-Obert

Praktikantenamt Fakultät Technologie und Management
Internationale Studienwochen, Berufungsverfahren, Kommunikation, Marketing Fak. T
Ulrike Reck-Obert

Gudrun Stärk

Sekretariat Fakultät Technologie und Management
Dekanatssekretariat, Bachelorstudiengänge „Physikalische Technik" und „Mechatronics"


Prof. Dr. phil. Josefine Denzin

Professor of Business Psychology
Business psychology, work & organizational psychology, leadership, people & culture, human resources, AI

Prof. Dr. Jörg Eberhardt

Machine vision, optics and 3D technologies
Dean of Studies Industrial Engineering (Technology Management) (Bachelor)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Eberhardt

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Ermark

Innovations- und Produktmanagement; Digitalisierung; Business Development; Grundlagen Physik, Mathematik
Studiendekan Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmerisches Handeln
Frank Ermark

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nils Hagen

Materialwirtschaft und Logistik, Globale Distributionsnetzwerke, Internationale Beschaffung
Dekan der Fakultät Technologie und Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nils Hagen

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Harth

Mathematik und Statistik
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Harth

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dominic Herrmann

Business administration, controlling, financing, business mathematics
RWU-Prof. Dr. Dominic Herrmann

Prof. Dr. Steffen Jäckle

Marketing und Vertriebsmanagement, Digitale Transformation, Marktpsychologie, Business Development, Marktforschung
Gründer und Direktor des Insight Excellence Lab (IXL)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Jäckle

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kolacyak

Fertigungstechnik, Materialien, Chemie
Bibliotheksbeauftragter der Fakultät

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Cornelia Neff

Controlling, Vertriebscontrolling, Advanced Controlling mit Fallstudien, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung, Finanzierung, Unternehmensbewertung
Cornelia Neff

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Barbara Niersbach

B2B Marketing, Vertrieb, Key Account Management, Industrial Marketing, Strategic Marketing Management, Organzational Behavior
Studiendekanin International Business Management & Sustainability (Master), Auslandsbeauftragte
Barbara Niersbach

Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Georg Nuoffer-Wagner

Qualitätsmanagement, Umweltmanagement, Energiemanagement, Arbeitsschutz

Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Michael Pfeffer

Physikalischer Gerätebau, Optikkonstruktion, Mikro- und integrierte Optik, Optische Informationstechnik, Bildgebende Verfahren der Medizin
Prorektor für Forschung, Internationales und Transfer
Prof. Dr. Michale Pfeffer

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Peter Philippi-Beck

Internationale Betriebswirtschaft, Entrepreneurship, Mergers & Acquisitions

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pufall

Produktionstechnik und -optimierung, Technologiemanagement
Studiendekan im Dekanat Technologie und Management; Studiendekan Technik-Management und Optimierung (Master)
Dr. Andreas Pufall

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jan Schlemmer

Physik, Physikalische Messtechnik, Cyber Physical Systems
Studiendekan Physikalische Technik (Bachelor)
Prof. Dr. Jan Schlemmer

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Schmidthöfer

Wirtschaftsmathematik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Statistik, Supply Chain Planning
Andreas Schmidthöfer

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Smaga

Mathematik und Statistik
Beauftragter der Fakultät für Gleichstellung

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiner Smets

Betriebsorganisation, Mechatronik, Prozessoptimierung, Produktionstechnik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiner Smets

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dirk Steffens

Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Unternehmensführung
Beauftragter der Fakultät für Qualität
Dirk Steffens

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Samuel Vogel

Digitale Technologien, Elektrotechnik, Elektronik
Studiendekan Mechatronics (Bachelor)
Prof. Dr. Samuel Vogel

Prof. Dr. Michael Wagner

Betriebliche Informationssysteme, Digitalisierung
Michael Wagner

Prof. Dr. phil. Götz Walter

Business psychology, change management, research methods, applied statistics
Dean of Studies Business Psychology (Bachelor)
Professor Dr. Götz Walter

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Marc Weindel

Bilanzierung und Steuern, insbesondere Rechnungslegung, Steuern, Recht, Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Marc Weindel

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heike Willax

Finanzwirtschaft, Planung, Controlling, Management Simulation und Strategisches Management
Studiendekanin Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Management (Bachelor), Prodekanin der Fakultät Technologie und Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heike Willax

Scientific employees

Dipl.-Phys. Hermann Baumgarten

Akademischer Mitarbeiter
Mitglied des Fakultätsrats

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Angelika Bosl

Akademische Mitarbeiterin
Angelika Bosl

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Timur Elmas

Akademischer Mitarbeiter
Beauftragter der Hochschule für Gefahrstoffe (Arbeitssicherheit)

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.(FH) Arthur Felber

Akademischer Mitarbeiter
Artur Felber

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Achim Feucht

Akademischer Mitarbeiter
Mitglied des Fakultätsrats
Achim Feucht

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Armin Herzer

Akademischer Mitarbeiter

Nayan Kadam M.Sc., M.A.

Strategic Development Manager/Doktorand
Nayan Kadam

Dipl.-Volksw. Gerhard Klett

Akademischer Mitarbeiter
Mitglied des Fakultätsrats

Franziska Müller M.A.

Akademische Mitarbeiterin
Mitglied des Fakultätsrats
Franziska Müller

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Moritz Sieber M.Eng.

Akademischer Mitarbeiter

Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. Yvonne Sommer

Akademische Mitarbeiterin
Mitglied des Fakultätsrats

Selina Wackler M.Eng.

Akademische Mitarbeiterin
Selina Wackler

Veronika Weber-Schopp M. A.

Research assistant in the SPEND project. Correspondent of university didactics for faculty T.
 Veronika Weber-Schopp