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Faculty of Technology and Management

Industrial Engineering (Technology Management)

At a glance
Regular period
7 semesters, including 1 internship semester
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
Apply till 07/15
Apply till 01/15
University of applied sciences entrance qualification, subject-related university entrance qualification or general university entrance qualification
Quelle: RWU

One course of study - two qualifications!

Industrial engineers are the link between business administration and engineering. They optimize technical processes as well as productivity and profitability.


  • are interested in technology and management
  • want to be someone who thinks in systems and solves problems
  • want to study successfully and get a TOP job
  • want to organize your studies to a large extent individually and
  • want to develop personally and have fun while studying.


  • introduce you to technology and business administration
  • let you practice on real-life problems
  • accompany you personally throughout your studies and
  • involve you in research and consulting
Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.

Profession & Perspectives

Industrial engineers are searched for tasks such as project management in project management, quality management, controlling, technical purchasing or (technical) sales, both nationally and internationally. With increasing professional experience, management and budgetary responsibilities are often added. Industrial engineers "made in Weingarten" have excellent employment opportunities in industry, not only in the interdisciplinary field.

Lego Spielzeug Personen
Quelle: RWU (Elias Engelhardt)

What do we do differently?

What distinguishes our program from other industrial engineering programs?

We have completely rethought our degree program!

  • Greatest possible freedom of choice for students
    You are free to choose more than one semester at RWU and/or (inter)nationally.
  • Integration of a semester abroad
    You can easily go abroad during your main studies without extending your study time.
  • English-language subjects
    You can increase your professional qualifications by taking English-language subjects, e.g. at our International Academy.
  • Modern but timeless course of study
    In a modern degree program, you will study subjects that are in high demand and will continue to shape our world for many decades to come.


All events


Ältere Modulhandbücher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
pdf (468 kB)
download Aktuelle SPO Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (Technik-Management) B.Eng.
§39 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge - Fassung vom 1. Juli 2021
§39 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge - Fassung vom 1. Juli 2021
pdf (65 kB)
download SPO für die Bachelorstudiengänge der RWU - Fassung vom 19. Januar 2023
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum SoSe 2023 in Kraft.
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum SoSe 2023 in Kraft.
pdf (1 MB)
download Aktuelle Zulassungs- und Auswahlsatzung der RWU für Bachelorstudiengänge - gültig ab WiSe24/25
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Regelungen zum Hochschulzulassungs- und –auswahlverfahren für Bachelorstudiengänge vom 27. Juni 2024
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Regelungen zum Hochschulzulassungs- und –auswahlverfahren für Bachelorstudiengänge vom 27. Juni 2024
pdf (244 kB)

Further information

Postgraduate courses


Technology Management and Optimization

Faculty of Technology and Management

MBA International Business Management & Sustainability

Faculty of Technology and Management
Curriculum Preview

Download curriculum


Application for the summer and winter semester

The study program Industrial Engineering and Management (Technology Management) offers

  • NC-free study places in the winter semester and in the summer semester
  • July 15: Application deadline for the winter semester
  • January 15: Application deadline for the summer semester

These dates are cut-off deadlines, which means that your application documents must be received in digtital by this date in order to be considered for the allocation of study places.

Start of lectures

  • Beginning of October for the winter semester
  • Mid March for the summer semester

the exact date can be found in the menu item Dates.

to the online application


Who receives a study place?

All applicants who meet the admission requirements will receive an offer of admission.

Semester fee

Every semester, a semester fee is due for all students upon enrollment or re-registration. This is charged at a similar rate by all universities in Germany.

Composition and amount of the fee


In Baden-Württemberg, there has been a tuition fee for international students (non-EU citizens) and a second-study fee since the winter semester 2017/2018. Thus, in some cases, a tuition fee must be paid in addition to the semester fee.

Prior to enrollment, applicants from non-EU countries or applicants for a second degree will receive a form to assess whether a tuition fee obligation actually exists.

The amounts and detailed information can be found under Finances.


Rover to  Mars Team 2019

Rover 2 Mars

Challenge: Design a low-cost rover, all-terrain, with manipulator.

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Formula Student Team 2020

Formula Student

The Formula Students Team of the Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences is a group of dedicated students who have been working on building a Formula Student racing car since March 2008.

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Insights into industrial engineering

Ravensburg commercial schools visit RWU

In the penultimate week of school before the summer vacation, 38 inquisitive pupils from the Gewerbliche Schule Ravensburg came to RWU to learn about studying at the university as part of a project week.

RWU Fakultät T Abschlussfeier Juni 2024 (16)

Faculty of Technology and Management

Outstanding achievements honored

78 graduates successfully completed their studies at RWU last winter semester. These achievements have now been honored and celebrated at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Technology and Management.

Promovieren an der RWU: Mit Nishanth Nandakumar startet der erste Doktorand seine Promotion an der RWU.

Press release

First doctoral student at RWU

The doctoral association of the Universites of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg has recently made it possible to obtain a doctorate at RWU. Nishanth Nandakumar is the first doctoral student to start his doctorate at RWU.

Abschlussfeier_Technologie_und_Management (6)

Faculty of Technology and Management

"Go out and change this world!"

The Faculty of Technology and Management honored and bid farewell to its graduates in a festive setting.

Wer keine Delle hauen will

In conversation with the Schwäbische Zeitung

"If you don't want to make a dent, you won't".

About digitization in Germany, generation Z and the role of vacuum cleaners

ZEIT CHE Hochschulranking

Press release

RWU performs very well in university ranking

Business, Technology and Social Studies - this is how RWU describes its range of courses. In the Department of Business and Economics, several subjects are rated as very good in the current CHE university ranking.

Kramer Exkursion


TW students visit the Kramer works

A group of students from the Industrial Engineering and Management (Technology Management) course visited Kramer-Werke in Pfullendorf on April 27, 2023.

RWU Eröffnung LAB4DTE

Press release

Opening of the innovation lab LAB4DTE

"Ideally, the Lab acts as a catalyst, generating ideas that lead to startups. We cover the entire lifecycle of innovation, all the way to startup consulting."


Kai Amrein (B.eng.)

"I decided to study Industrial Engineering (technology management) because I found the combination of technology (mechanical engineering) and management (business administration) very interesting and future-oriented. The global working world today demands fast, flexible and sustainable solutions. The practice-oriented and international course of study prepares you for this in the best possible way. I found the closeness to students and professors particularly positive, from which my personal network still benefits today. I particularly liked the international and project-related focus. In addition to a study trip to Bratislava in Slovakia, I completed my internship semester at ZF Suzhou in China. For my bachelor thesis, I lived in India for three months to conduct a market analysis. I still benefit from these experiences as well as the broad spectrum in my daily work life as Global Key Account Manager."

Julian Dobczinski, B.Eng.

""Before I started my studies, I did an apprenticeship as a merchant in wholesale and foreign trade. Interesting - however that wasn't quite enough for me. I missed the technical reference to the work since I have always been interested in technology. In my studies, I got exactly what I was looking for: physics with the physicists, electrical engineering with the electrical engineers, mechanical engineering with the mechanical engineering students, but also marketing with the business administration students. Although I struggled with the amount of material at the beginning, after a few semesters it went quite well and I knew which way the wind blows. I particularly liked the interdisciplinary structure of the program. A highlight was my stay abroad in Bangkok at Thammasat University. The city was as dense as the jungle, spicy food and heat. But despite excursions in and around Thailand, I also learned a lot there that is still a great help to me today: how to deal with unknown and new challenges. For the later career choice, the study gives a good insight into the different focuses of an engineer. Since the industrial engineering program is very interdisciplinary, you have a wide range of directions to choose from after graduation. I did my master's degree at HTWK Leipzig in SCM and was able to build on my bachelor's degree very well. I recently joined Helbling Technik in Zurich as a development engineer. Here I work in a team for plant and production planning that handles international projects. In my day-to-day work, I probably benefit most from the overall package that you get in the degree program, a toolbox filled with different tools and methodological skills."

Contact & People

General contact details

Room B 213
On campus
Building B
Leibnizstr. 12
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Industrial Engineering (Technology Management)
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Secretary's office

Nicole Gebhard

Sekretariat Fakultät Technologie und Management
Bachelorstudiengang „Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen“ (TW); Masterstudiengang „Technik-Management & Optimierung“ (TMO)
Nicole Gebhard

Student Advisory Service & Head of study program

Prof. Dr. Jörg Eberhardt

Machine vision, optics and 3D technologies
Dean of Studies Industrial Engineering (Technology Management) (Bachelor)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Eberhardt


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Ermark

Innovations- und Produktmanagement; Digitalisierung; Business Development; Grundlagen Physik, Mathematik
Studiendekan Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmerisches Handeln
Frank Ermark

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nils Hagen

Materialwirtschaft und Logistik, Globale Distributionsnetzwerke, Internationale Beschaffung
Dekan der Fakultät Technologie und Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nils Hagen

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Harth

Mathematik und Statistik
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Harth

Prof. Dr. Steffen Jäckle

Marketing und Vertriebsmanagement, Digitale Transformation, Marktpsychologie, Business Development, Marktforschung
Gründer und Direktor des Insight Excellence Lab (IXL)
Prof. Dr. Steffen Jäckle

Prof. Dr. Daniel Kolacyak

Fertigungstechnik, Materialien, Chemie
Bibliotheksbeauftragter der Fakultät

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Cornelia Neff

Controlling, Vertriebscontrolling, Advanced Controlling mit Fallstudien, Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung, Finanzierung, Unternehmensbewertung
Cornelia Neff

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Barbara Niersbach

B2B Marketing, Vertrieb, Key Account Management, Industrial Marketing, Strategic Marketing Management, Organzational Behavior
Studiendekanin International Business Management & Sustainability (Master), Auslandsbeauftragte
Barbara Niersbach

Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Michael Pfeffer

Physikalischer Gerätebau, Optikkonstruktion, Mikro- und integrierte Optik, Optische Informationstechnik, Bildgebende Verfahren der Medizin
Prorektor für Forschung, Internationales und Transfer
Prof. Dr. Michale Pfeffer

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Peter Philippi-Beck

Internationale Betriebswirtschaft, Entrepreneurship, Mergers & Acquisitions

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pufall

Produktionstechnik und -optimierung, Technologiemanagement
Studiendekan im Dekanat Technologie und Management; Studiendekan Technik-Management und Optimierung (Master)
Dr. Andreas Pufall

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Schmidthöfer

Wirtschaftsmathematik, Wirtschaftsinformatik, Statistik, Supply Chain Planning
Andreas Schmidthöfer

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Smaga

Mathematik und Statistik
Beauftragter der Fakultät für Gleichstellung

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiner Smets

Betriebsorganisation, Mechatronik, Prozessoptimierung, Produktionstechnik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiner Smets

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Marc Weindel

Bilanzierung und Steuern, insbesondere Rechnungslegung, Steuern, Recht, Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Marc Weindel

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heike Willax

Finanzwirtschaft, Planung, Controlling, Management Simulation und Strategisches Management
Studiendekanin Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Management (Bachelor), Prodekanin der Fakultät Technologie und Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heike Willax

Examination Office

Aylin Baur

Prüfungsamt Fakultät Technologie und Management, Studierenden-Service
Studiengänge TW, IBS, BWU, TMO, Montag bis Mittwoch
Aylin Baur

Internship Office

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Harth

Mathematik und Statistik
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Harth

Ulrike Reck-Obert

Praktikantenamt Fakultät Technologie und Management
Internationale Studienwochen, Berufungsverfahren, Kommunikation, Marketing Fak. T
Ulrike Reck-Obert

Coordinator for international affairs

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Barbara Niersbach

B2B Marketing, Vertrieb, Key Account Management, Industrial Marketing, Strategic Marketing Management, Organzational Behavior
Studiendekanin International Business Management & Sustainability (Master), Auslandsbeauftragte
Barbara Niersbach

Dean's Office

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nils Hagen

Materialwirtschaft und Logistik, Globale Distributionsnetzwerke, Internationale Beschaffung
Dekan der Fakultät Technologie und Management
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nils Hagen

Gudrun Stärk

Sekretariat Fakultät Technologie und Management
Dekanatssekretariat, Bachelorstudiengänge „Physikalische Technik" und „Mechatronics"