The Faculty of Technology and Management has honored and bid farewell to its graduates. The Rector of RWU, Professor Dr. Thomas Spägele, welcomed the guests in the festive setting of the Schlossbau. In his speech, he emphasized the responsibility that lies not only with the university in times of AI and chatbots, but also with the young people who are now taking the step into professional life: "You will take on responsibility. Because they have the potential to achieve great things for themselves and for our world," said Thomas Spägele.
In his welcome address, the Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Management, Professor Dr. Nils Hagen, emphasized the personal side of the past degree course: "Your success will depend on your professional aptitude, but also crucially on your personal development and your networks."
Awards for the best students
The individual degree programs then presented their graduates with their degree certificates. The best graduates in each degree program were also honored: In Business Administration and Management this was Melanie Kolb, in Physical Engineering Silas Heydt and in Industrial Engineering Alina Kibele. In the Master's degree courses, the certificates for the best degrees went to Patricia Klei (Business Administration and Entrepreneurship), Tobias Müller (Technology Management & Optimization) and Jannik Brändle (International Business Management & Sustainability).
The Students' Union Award went to Kai Lang, who was honored by Laura Niechoj for his "outstanding volunteer work". During his time at RWU, he was a member of the student parliament, the senate and the student council and was the first chairman of the student body.
"Altruism, that's one step higher"
Kai Lang was able to stay on stage for the following award ceremony, as he also received the prize from the RWU Sponsors' Association. The award was presented by Dr. Wolfgang Pfeiffer, Chairman of the Association and Managing Director of TOX Pressotechnik in Weingarten: "Do you know what the common denominator is between your thesis and your voluntary work? It's altruism," said Dr. Pfeiffer. "With your thesis, you have taken on important work that nobody actually wants to do. Our time is characterized by selfishness and hedonism. But such an altruistic approach, that's a step above! Congratulations!"
Addressing the entire class of graduates, Dr. Pfeiffer said: "Go out and change this world!" The official part of the ceremony was followed by champagne and snacks. The duo "Heart Copy" from Ravensburg provided the musical backdrop to the ceremony.
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