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Digital Business & Marketing Intelligence

Studierende am Laptop
At a glance
Regular period
3 semesters
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Apply till 07/15
Apply till 01/15


All events
Studentinnen am Laptop
Quelle: RWU

Advice and information at any time

We professors at the Department of Digital Business are very committed and would be delighted to welcome you to the Master's study program. We have provided you with an excellent infrastructure (building, individual group rooms, generous IT equipment in the form of both hardware and software, etc.). Through the additional use of external lecturers at CIO or CDO level, you will get the necessary amount of pure digitalization from practice.

We will prepare you for your dream job in the diverse world of Digital Business!

Still have questions? Do you need more information?

Just send a short email to Prof. Friedl ( . We look forward to hearing from you!

Typical asked question:

  • What is the point of a Master's study program? Can I get a job that way?
  • Is a Master's study program worthwhile (salary, position, etc.)?
  • Why should I study the Master's study program in Weingarten?
  • Is it possible to integrate a semester abroad into a Master's study program?
  • Should I do my Master Degree at a later date, possibly part-time?
  • What are the requirements for admission to the Master's study program?
  • ...
Studenten vor Flip Chart.


Take on responsibility, develop leadership qualities and lead the digital change - these are the goals the graduates of the program "Digital Business & Marketing Intelligence" can achieve. 

The ongoing globalization increases costs and puts pressure on organizations, which is why talents are needed who understand digital strategies & business models and are able to put them into practice. Those can come into effect in any area of an organization: products and services, processes, IT, management, organizational structure, leadership, ethics and culture. Graduates are able to develop products and services themselves (focus: Digital Business) and also take the marketing of their developments into consideration (focus: Marketing Intelligence).

We teach our students fundamental knowledge in the fields of Digital Business, Marketing Intelligence and Management, as well as the appropriate key qualifications. Additionally, we address the societal impact of digitalization and all phases of the innovation- and knowledge-cycle.  



Through the profiles "Digital Business Technology" and "Digital Marketing" a student can deepen their knowledge in either Digital Business or Marketing Intelligence individually

"Digital Business Technology" deals intensively with the technical realization of products and services. Via modules like "Development of Digital Products", "Software Engineering for Managers" or "Advanced Cloud Computing", the students can gain the skills to formulate technical requirements, to control the technical implementation and demonstrate knowledge of key technologies.

The profile "Digital Marketing" comprises the (digital) marketing of digital products and services. Profile-specific modules are "Advanced Digital Marketing", "Digital Branding" and "Customer Journey Intelligence & Conversionoptimization". Students will receive insight into the strategic alignment of an organization, the development of a digital branding strategy and they will learn how to make data-based decisions alongside the customer journey.

Laptop mit Grafiken.


As a consecutive continuation of the Bachelor's study programs in "Business Informatics" and "Internet & Online-Marketing", the Master's study program offers a balanced mix, based on the chosen profile, of marketing, traditional business administration and computer science. With a focus on Digital Business. At the same time, there is a special focus on practical orientation in all courses.

The organization of the on-campus courses during the lecture periods allows them to be held over three days.

By the way: With a non-informatic degree, an individual study plan with bridge courses or bridge semesters will be created for you.

Studentin der Wirtschaftsinformatik.


As a graduate, you are prepared to tackle and understand problems and challenges in the field of Digital Business & Marketing Intelligence. You will receive comprehensive knowledge for digital technologies and methods for the acquisition, analysis and process of data and you will be able to organize, critically judge and use data based on its use case (digital strategies, digital business models, digital processes, digital products & services and their marketing).

You will be capable to choose project requirements, technologies and methods. You will be able to reflect on the interdependencies of different areas and have a deep understanding of your own actions in the digital change. Furthermore, you will have the competences to take on responsibility in IT-projects and leadership in organizations within the digital change. 

The need for graduates will continue to grow and cannot be covered even as of now!

Fachbereich Digital Business 3

Digital Business Department

The Department of Digital Business comprises three Bachelor's and one Master's study program:

- Business Informatics

- Business Informatics PLUS Teaching Post

- Internet and Online Marketing

and the Master's study program Digital Business & Marketing Intelligence

To the Digital Business department


download Flyer Digital Business M.Sc.
Alle Infos kompakt auf einen Blick.
Alle Infos kompakt auf einen Blick.
pdf (260 kB)
download Modulhandbuch Digital Business M.Sc. für das SoSe24
Ältere Modulhandbücher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
Ältere Modulhandbücher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
pdf (1,000 kB)
download Alte SPO Digital Business M.Sc.
§35 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge - Fassung vom 01. Juli 2021
§35 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge - Fassung vom 01. Juli 2021
pdf (36 kB)
download SPO für die Masterstudiengänge der RWU - Fassung vom 29. Juni 2023
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum WiSe 2023/24 in Kraft
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum WiSe 2023/24 in Kraft
pdf (656 kB)
pdf (645 kB)
download Aktuelle Zulassungs- und Auswahlsatzung der RWU für Masterstudiengänge - gültig ab WiSe24/25
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Regelungen zum Hochschulzulassungs- und –auswahlverfahren für Masterstudiengänge vom 16. Mai 2024
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Regelungen zum Hochschulzulassungs- und –auswahlverfahren für Masterstudiengänge vom 16. Mai 2024
pdf (186 kB)

Further information

Curriculum Preview

Download curriculum


Application deadline

For the winter semester: July 15

For the summer semester: January 15

Graduates of the "Business Informatics" study program or the "Internet and Online-Marketing" study program who have an overall grade of at least 2.5 can be admitted to the Master's study program in Digital Business. Applicants with a final university grade > 2.5 may be invited to a selection interview.

Special requirements apply to graduates of other degree courses, in particular Computer Science and Business Administration, which are described in the latest study and examination regulations for Master's study programs.

If you are interested to apply with a non-informatic degree, please contact the Dean of studies Jürgen Friedl at .

RWU-Absolvent erhält JUST!-Award, Zeppelin-Jugendstiftung, Preisverleihung

Press release

RWU graduate receives "JUST!" award from the Zeppelin Youth Foundation

Luca Koroll, former Digital Business student at RWU, is awarded first prize in the university league of the Zeppelin Youth Foundation's "JUST!" competition for his master's thesis.

RWU Digitalisierungscafé 2023

Digitization café

"Full steam ahead towards digitalization"

The LAB4DTE digitization café in December focused on the Internet of Things and human-technology interaction. Georg Kästle, CIO and CDO of Vollmer Werke Maschinenfabrik GmbH, was a guest at RWU as an external speaker.

Prof. Höpken Best Paper Award ENTER23

Digital Business

Best Paper Award for Social Media Analyses in Tourism

Professor Dr. Wolfram Höpken and his students have developed a new approach to estimating tourist arrivals based on user-generated content. At the ENTER23 tourism conference in South Africa, this won the Best Paper Award.

RWU Eröffnung LAB4DTE

Press release

Opening of the innovation lab LAB4DTE

"Ideally, the Lab acts as a catalyst, generating ideas that lead to startups. We cover the entire lifecycle of innovation, all the way to startup consulting."

Contact & People

General contact details

Room M103
On campus
Building M
Lazarettstr. 5
88250 Weingarten
Outside the campus

RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Digital Business
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Head of Study Program & Student Advisory Service

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jürgen Friedl

Business Informatics, Production & Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Internet of Things, Knowledge Management
Head of Study Program, Student Advisor and International Representative Digital Business (Master), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Friedl, Jürgen

Secretary's Office

Petra Schlagenhauf

Secretary's Office of the Department of Digital Business, Internet and Online Marketing, Business Informatics (B.Sc.), Business Informatics PLUS Teaching Post
Petra Schlagenhauf


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Bayer

ERP Systems, Cloud Computing & Data Science
Library representative of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
 Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Jürgen Friedl

Business Informatics, Production & Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Internet of Things, Knowledge Management
Head of Study Program, Student Advisor and International Representative Digital Business (Master), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Friedl, Jürgen

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Friedrich

Programming, software engineering, databases and networks
Head of the Business Informatics PLUS Internship Office, Quality Officer of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Friedrich

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Höpken

Business Intelligence & Predictive Analytics, ICT systems in tourism
Head of IDW - Institute for Digital Change
Wolfram Höpken

Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler

Online marketing, search engine marketing, e-business
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Markus Josef Rager

Production planning & control, enterprise resource planning systems (ERP systems), Internet of Things and Internet economy
Head of Internship Office of Internet and Online-Marketing (Bachelor), Business Informatics (Bachelor)
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Markus Rager

Prof. Dr. Nils Middelberg

Social Media Marketing, Principles of Marketing, Cross Media Management, Customer Relationship Management
Dean of Studies and Student Advisor for the study programm Internet and Online-Marketing (Bachelor)
Middelberg, Nils

Prof. Dr. Markus Gahler

Advanced Digital Marketing, Customer Experience Management, Customer Journey Intelligence und Konversionsoptimierung, E-Business Anwendungen, Präsentation und Medienkompetenz, Suchmaschinenmarketing und Toolkompetenz für Online-Marketer
Markus Gahler


Moritz Haag M.Sc.

Scientific assistant in the digital business department
Member of the Staff Council
Moritz Haag

Student Examination Office

Monika Huber

Student Examinations Office Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Student Administration Office
Study programs IO, IP, WB, WP, EMM, IN, MM, MW/DBM
Monika Huber


Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler

Online marketing, search engine marketing, e-business
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler