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Quality Management (QM)

Mitarbeiter betrachtet ein Geschäftsprozessdiagramm

Welcome to the Quality Management pages!


Quality Management (QM) at RWU comprises two subareas

  • Study and Teaching and
  • QM-Haus Science Administration.

In the area of study and teaching, the focus is on quality assurance. For example, teaching and structural evaluations are carried out and internal accreditation procedures for study programs are managed.

In the science administration areas, the focus is on process-oriented quality management. The goal is to incorporate it into standard RWU processes and, if possible, to digitize them. Quality management at RWU is supported by various IT-based platforms such as the QM Portal and the QM Engine.

The QM Portal is an online platform available to all university members. It is a process portal that maps the university's core processes in teaching and learning, research, continuing education and administration. In addition, the portal also contains an extensive document database. Members of the university can execute certain processes digitally via the QM engine.


Do you have any questions? Contact us, we are happy to help:


All events


download Qualitätsmanagement für Lehrende und Mitarbeitende
Broschüre "QM für Lehrende und Mitarbeitende"
Broschüre "QM für Lehrende und Mitarbeitende"
pdf (372 kB)
download Evaluationssatzung der RWU
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten zur Regelung der durchzuführenden Eigenevaluationsverfahren einschließlich der Evaluation elektronischer Formen der Lehre.
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten zur Regelung der durchzuführenden Eigenevaluationsverfahren einschließlich der Evaluation elektronischer Formen der Lehre.
pdf (2 MB)
Hand wählt Smiley aus, der auf einen kleinen Holzwürfel aufgedruckt ist.

Online Quality Workshop 2023

Good, with room for improvement

RWU is a good place to study and work. There is still room for improvement in the learning environment, in some service processes, and in aspects of study. This is the conclusion of the 2023 Online Survey on the Quality of Studying, Teaching and Working at RWU (“Quality Workshop”), the results of which are now available.


Online Quality Workshop 2023

Lots of ideas and lucky winners

The online survey on the quality of studying, teaching and working at RWU was once again well received by students, faculty and staff. The results are now being evaluated and the winners of the Seezeit vouchers will be notified.

Symbolbild zur Qualitätswerkstatt

Online Quality Workshop 2023

Tell us what you think!

Satisfied with RWU? From November 20 to December 3, 2023, students, faculty, and staff can evaluate RWU's study and working conditions and make suggestions for improvement.

RWU Gebäude K Logo

Press release

RWU system accredited again

RWU can develop its study programs independently and thus quickly address requirements of both the labor market and students. The quality assurance systems required for this have just been re-accredited at RWU.

RWU Leitbild

University-wide development

Updated mission statements published

RWU has updated its mission statements in a participatory process and set ambitious goals. The mission statements are now available in various formats.


Quality Workshop 2021

A positive conclusion

The 2021 Quality Workshop took place almost two years ago. Students, faculty and staff had used the feedback format to make a number of suggestions for improvement. What has been implemented since then?


System accredited university
and internal accreditations


AR-Siegel System_RGB

The university was system-accredited in 2016. All RWU degree programs have been internally accredited since then.
In the following list you will find

  • A general overview of the current accreditation status,
  • the accreditation certificates,
  • the accreditation reports,
  • the possibility to complain about the procedure or an accreditation decision.

In addition, the quality reports are available to all university members in the QM portal.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about accreditation, just contact us.

Complaint Management

You want to complain? Then you are in the right place!

You are a student, staff member, lecturer or teacher and would like to would like to suggest improving processes or other conditions at the university?
Do you have praise or blame, criticism or a complaint?
Perhaps you would also like to make a critical comment on an internal accreditation procedure?

Please feel free to let us know! Write to us, the QM team, at .

Your opinion is important to us. This is the only way we can continuously adapt the university's offerings to current requirements. As the first point of contact, we will get in touch with you promptly and put you in touch with the appropriate department for your concern.

In personal crisis situations or for other concerns that affect you personally, please contact the departments listed on Advice & Help listed on the page Advice & Help.
In the event of conflicts, the Conflict Guides are also available to employees of the university for advice and assistance. You can find them under Complaints Office - RWU Conflict Controllers.
Both services can also be found on the RWU website.


Further development

Your feedback has the potential to reflect on the university itself and make it fit for the future. That's why we also use the topics addressed as the basis for statistical evaluations. We are concerned with the matter at hand, so the concerns are anonymized and reduced to topics so that no conclusions can be drawn about individual persons. Should you wish to exclude your concern from this, please simply let us know briefly.


Bachelor's degree programs

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Master's degree programs

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QM system

QM System at RWU

In order to ensure and develop quality in studying and teaching, RWU has set up a correspondingly efficient internal university QM system. The essential framework conditions for this can be found in the Quality Statutes as well as in the QM Portal. RWU's quality goals are anchored in the university's mission statement, the mission statement "Good Teaching and Learning" and the mission statements of the faculties.


In accordance with the two pillars of RWU's QM system, study and teaching and science support, responsibilities and tasks are divided between the Central Quality Management Working Group (Zentraler QM-AK), which focuses on quality assurance in study and teaching, and the newly created Sub-Working Group Quality Management in Science Support (QM-AK Wissenschaftsunterstützung), which focuses on the university's support processes.

Both working groups are legitimized by the Senate. They are flanked by the Evaluation Commission, the Central Examination Committee and the Central Study Committee. As further committees at the faculty or program level, there are the Faculty Councils and Study Commissions.


Quality assurance procedures

Internal accreditation procedures

The accreditations of the study programs are carried out by the university, which has acquired this right through the system accreditation.
The university's own accreditation procedure consists of a peer group review, through which the study program is examined by internal and external representatives from academia, professional practice, and the student body. A protocol drawn up and a final report of the peer review process form the basis for the Senate, which is the deciding body on the so-called internal accreditation of the study program, on recommendations and conditions for the study program and, if necessary, on their fulfillment.

The accreditation certificates and accreditation reports for the accreditation of all study programs of the university can be found in the download area in the tab "Accreditations".

Further information on the study programs can also be found


The university conducts teaching and study program evaluations. The object of the teaching evaluation is the regular and systematic evaluation of individual courses, while the focus of the study program evaluation is on the evaluation of the entire study program. Students participate in the course evaluation after completing the practical phase. The teaching evaluation is conducted every semester. The university uses online-based questionnaires for evaluation.

The teaching and study program evaluations are an important pillar of quality assurance and continuous quality improvement with regard to course content and modules, workload, structural design of the curricula and study organization. They provide teachers with external feedback on their own courses and contribute to improved communication with students.

Indicator-based monitoring

BIC-Monitor offers (study) deans the possibility of indicator-based monitoring of their faculty or program. The indicators are multi-layered, cover different areas and are partly university-wide, partly program-specific.

Program and quality reports

Essential information about the study program and quality assurance measures are documented annually for each study program in the so-called study program and quality report. The study program managers maintain the study program report via an online platform. The quality report can also be generated from it. While the study program reports are used for internal communication and quality assurance, the quality reports are created to inform the university public. The quality reports also show for each study program, among other things, the study program objectives, the consideration of stakeholders, and measures for quality assurance of the study program. They are documented in the QM portal.

Module handbook administration

The module handbooks for all study programs are stored on the respective program websites. In addition, older module handbooks can be made available on request.
The module handbooks are maintained via a university-own input mask.


Hand wählt Smiley aus, der auf einen kleinen Holzwürfel aufgedruckt ist.
Quelle: Shutterstock

Quality workshop 2021

How satisfied are students, faculty and staff at RWU and what improvements would they like to see? This is the goal of the online survey on the quality of studies, teaching and work at RWU, which was conducted from November 22 to December 5, 2021.All university employees at RWU were able to participate.
With a new format and new questions, the multiple request for a more flexible format was taken up. The questions were also completely revised so that faculty and staff are more involved than before. And the feedback is coming in: "The results of the survey will be published within the university, and together with the faculties and departments we will try to take up as many suggestions for improvement as possible," assures Prorector Professor Sebastian Mauser. It pays to participate!

The results can be found in the QM portal at Results from the quality workshop.

Key Visual der Qualitätswerkstatt

Quality workshop 2021

How satisfied are students, faculty and staff at RWU and what improvements would they like to see? This is the goal of the online survey on the quality of studies, teaching and work at RWU, which was conducted from November 22 to December 5, 2021.All university employees at RWU were able to participate.
With a new format and new questions, the multiple request for a more flexible format was taken up. The questions were also completely revised so that faculty and staff are more involved than before. And the feedback is coming in: "The results of the survey will be published within the university, and together with the faculties and departments we will try to take up as many suggestions for improvement as possible," assures Prorector Professor Sebastian Mauser. It pays to participate!

The results can be found in the QM portal at Results from the quality workshop.

Qualitätswerkstatt 2019
Quelle: Dennis Welge

What did it bring? The quality workshop 2019 under the magnifying glass

"Ultimately, it's about us being successful as a university," says Prorector Professor Sebastian Mauser, summarizing the concern of the Quality Workshop. The collected suggestions from 2019 have now been evaluated and passed on to the responsible departments and individuals. Although not every suggestion is feasible, some things could be realized: Exam registration and deregistration has been simplified for students. More practical and project-oriented courses are offered. Moodle is used more, lectures are partly recorded. Teachers and staff can carry out significantly more work processes digitally, e.g. procurement or deputate accounting. Public announcements can be accessed via the RWU website. The Mensa has been made available as a learning space and the opening hours in Student Services have been improved.

These and other results incl. implementation status can be found in the QM portal at Results from the Quality Workshop.

Student schreibt an Flip Chart.

Quality workshop 2019

The quality workshop went into the next round: On 07.11.2019 von 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the main building, the RWU Quality Management Team once again invited all members of the university to discuss the topic of quality at the university. In the foyer and in the Senate Hall, the opinion of all students, faculty and staff was sought: What makes a good university?

In order to enable all students to participate, there were again no lectures or practical courses during this period. As an additional incentive for the students, a raffle with attractive prizes was offered as part of the Quality Workshop 2019. The raffle took place on the same day with great participation of the students in the foyer of the main building.
A new addition to this quality workshop was the area of academic support, which had its own display walls in the Senate Hall and a Walk & Talk with Chancellor Henning Rudewig.

Das Logo für den Europatag mit dem Motto Europäer und Europäer gesucht.
Unter dem Motto „Europäer/in gesucht" veranstaltet die Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten am 12. Juni einen Europatag.
Quelle: Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten

Europe Day 2018

Talking about Europe - bringing Europe back into the conversation and discussing it with each other - that was the focus of Euorpa Day, which took place at the university in June 2018.
Under the motto "Europeans wanted", a colorful program was offered: From panel discussions to a Europe café to a poetry slam, there was much to be found at the university, which was filled with thunderous applause for the slammers in the evening hours.

QM-Werkstatt zum Tag der Lehre 2017
Quelle: Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten

Teaching Day and Quality Workshop 2017

At the end of May 2017, the time had come again: What does good university teaching look like? What are the highlights of everyday study life? What does a lively university look like? These and other questions about good university teaching were the subject of a lively exchange between students, professors and staff at the Quality Workshop 2017. The kick-off was given with a joint mid-gas break, where the first responder group "First Responder" grilled for all present. In the course of the afternoon, which was free of lectures, a wealth of suggestions came together and there was a lively discussion.

Quelle: Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten

QM workshops 2012, 2013 and 2015

The Quality Workshop is our university's own feedback and communication event for all students, faculty and staff of the university. Since 2012, the Quality Workshop, formerly known as the "QM Workshop", has taken place in a modified open-space format in the foyer of the main building H with moderators, topic tables and metaplan walls. A two-year rhythm has proven successful for this purpose. Why not join in the discussion at the next workshop?

Contact & People


Henning Rudewig

Head of Administration
Henning Rudewig

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Mauser

Software Engineering
Vice Rector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Mauser

Team-Koordinatorin QM

Dr. Mareike Schad

Quality management study and teaching as well as science support
Mareike Schad

QM Team

Dipl.-Inf. Michaiela Erdös

Quality management science support
Michaiela Erdös

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Tina Kiechle

Quality Management Studies and Teaching
Tina Kiechle

Nelly Michel

Quality management study and teaching

Karoliina Nowak

Quality management study and teaching
Nowak, Karoliina

Anja Schraff

Quality management study and teaching