"The Senate decides on matters of teaching, study, further education, research, the practice of art and artistic development projects insofar as these are not assigned by law to another central body or to the faculties." Among other things, this is what the Higher Education Act of the state of Baden-Württemberg says.
The Senate is responsible, for example, for
- Confirming the election of the rector and the chancellor
- Electing the prorectors
- Passing resolutions on the basic regulations and their amendments
- Passing resolutions in connection with the determination of admission figures
- Opinion on structural and development plans
- Opinion on the functional description of professorships
- Decisions of fundamental importance in matters of research as well as technology transfer
- Decision-making on the basis of the faculties' proposals on the study regulations and the regulations for university examinations
- Discussion of the annual report of the rector
- Discussion of the annual report of the Opportunities Representative
Alle TermineNews

Elections for Senate, Faculty Councils and VS
On May 15, 2024, students will elect their representatives for the Senate, the Faculty Councils and the Constituted Student Body (VS).
Senate Representatives
Contact person for anti-discrimination
- Professor Haupt
Contact person for issues related to sexual harassment
- Professor Klimsa
- Professor Wendorff
Representative for the concerns of students with disabilities
- Professor Schröttle
Representative for E-Learning
- Professor Kaufmann
Representative for Information Security
- Professor Andriessens
Representative for Sustainable Development
- Professor Pfeil
Library Representative
- Professor Winkler
Coordinator for Didactics
- Professor Wendorff
Ethics Representative
- Professor Kern
Equal Opportunity Representatives
- Professor Schreier-Alt (Chairman)
- Professor Harth
- Professor Klimsa
- Professor Löhmann
- Professor Smaga
Internet Representative
- Professor Ehret
Senate committees/working groups
E-Learning Working Group
- Vice Rector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management
- E-Learning Representative (Chair)
- Professor Kaufmann
- Professor Smets
- Professor Wendorff
- Mr. Drotleff
- Mr. Löw
- Students: Mrs. Niechoj, Mr. Baumann/Substitute
Sub-Working Group QM - Scientific Support
- Chancellor
Mr. Elmas
Professor Glogowski
Mr. Hayit
- Mrs. Miller
- Mrs. Nicolai
- Mrs. Reudanik
- Mrs. Dr. Schad
- Mr. Schuhmacher
Corporate Complaints Office
- Professor Wendorff
- Mr. Schuhmacher
Library Committee
- Chancellor
- University Library Management
- Library Representative (Chair)
- Professor Bayer
- Professor Heinz
- Professor Kolacyak
- Computer Center Management (assoc. member)
- Student: Mr. Traub
Library Committee with Weingarten University of Education
- Chancellor
- Library Representative
- Professor Bayer
Data Processing Committee (DV Committee)
- Vice Rector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management (Chair)
- Chancellor
- IT-Department
- Professor Schmidthöfer
- Professor Till
- Professor Zeller
- Mr. Beck
- Mrs. Bosl
- Mr. Drotleff
- Mr. Hübler
- Student: Mr. Baumann
- permanent guests: data protection officer, e-learning officer, information security officer
Evaluation Commission
- Prorector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management
- Deans
- Data Protection Officer (only if required)
- Coordinator for Didactics
- Students: Mr. Horvath, Mr. Preibisch
Opportunities Representative Commission
- Professor Mauser, Prorector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management
- Professor Schreier-Alt, Opportunities Representative (Chair)
- Professor Harth
- Professor Löhmann
- Professor Schwarz
- Professor Smaga
- Mrs. Arsene
- Mrs. Lauer
- Student: Mr. Reichwein
Budget Committee
- Rectorate
- Deans
- IT-Department Manager
- Head of Technical Operations
- Students: Mrs. Erath, Mr. Reichwein
- Students: Mrs. Kaiser, Mr. Schärtel
Scholarship Selection Committee for the Deutschlandstipendium
- Vice Rector for Research, International Affairs and Transfer
- Opportunities Representative
- Professor Till
- Professor Weiss
- Students: Mr. Horvath, Mr. Traub
Central Study Committee
- Vice Rector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management
- Deans
- Head of the Faculty Board of Studies
- Students: Mr. Reichwein, Mr. Traub, Mr. Preibisch
Central QM Working Group
- Vice Rector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management (Chair)
- Chancellor
- Opportunities Representative
- Head of the Student Affairs Department
- Representative of the Staff Council
- Professor Friedrich
- Professor Graef
- Professor Harth
- Professor Hodek/Professor Winter
- Professor Willax
- Mrs. Michel
- Dr. Schad
- Mrs. Schmid
- Students: Mr. Reichwein
Continuing Education Committee
- Prorector for Didactics, Digitization and University Communication
- Prorector for Studies, Teaching and Quality Management
- Chancellor
- Deans
- Opportunities Representative
All resolutions are available for you to download here.
Senate resolutions 2023
Senate resolutions 2022
Senate resolutions 2021
Senate Resolutions 2020
Senate resolutions 2019
Contact & People
General contact details
Postal address |
RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Senate P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten Germany |

Prorectors (advisory)

- Building H (main building)
- Room H 029, N 004

Representation of the Equal Opportunities Officer

Professors of Faculty E

Professors of Faculty M

Professors of Faculty S

Professors of Faculty T

Elected employees

Elected students