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Workplace Health Management


Health and well-being have a direct influence on whether we can engage in our work with joy and vigor. That's why promoting and maintaining the health of our staff and faculty is important to us.

Our goal

The goal of our workplace health management is to promote and maintain the health, job satisfaction and performance of our employees and professors. With various measures, we support all our employees, for example, in reintegration after prolonged illness and provide occupational health advice. In addition, we offer various preventive health measures every semester.

In the spirit of humanizing work, we are committed to making the university a place of professional and personal development for all our employees. In addition to professional continuing education, this also includes promoting health and work-life balance.

Our self-image

Workplace health management at RWU consists of the three building blocks occupational safety, occupational integration management and workplace health promotion, and is thus a joint task of various internal and external stakeholders.

We are also convinced that sustainable health promotion can only succeed through active participation. All employees and professors at our university are therefore invited not only to take advantage of the prevention offers, but also to help shape them. Contact us with your suggestions!


Alle Termine

Further information

Frau macht Handstand

Workplace health promotion

A healthy start

The new health program promises a power boost for body and mind. Teaching staff and employees can register now.

Zwei Frauen in Sportkleidung geben High Five

Occupational Health Management

Cooperation with AOK renewed

In 2024, AOK Bodensee-Oberschwaben will continue to support health promotion for teaching staff and employees at RWU.

Jemand hält eine aufgeschnittene Orange ins Bild, im Hintergrund sind Erdbeeren zusehen.

Fit from head to toe

Workplace Health Program starting in March 2023

The workplace health program for the summer semester 2023 is here! Employees and professors can register now.

Three Pillars of Workplace Health Management

A prerequisite for maintaining the health of our staff is occupational safety. By this we mean measures of occupational health and safety as well as accident prevention, which aim to create working conditions and workplaces for our staff that are as hazard-free as possible. The measures include, for example, carrying out workplace inspections, organizing occupational health care, and advising on the procurement of technical work equipment and protective gear. Further information can be found here.

The second pillar of occupational health management is occupational integration management, or BEM for short. In accordance with § 84 Paragraph 2 of Social Code 9, we offer BEM to employees who have been unable to work for more than six weeks (with or without interruption) for health reasons within a twelve-month period. The aim of occupational integration management is to prevent illnesses and renewed incapacity to work on the part of our employees as far as possible and to help the employees concerned to overcome their incapacity to work. The overriding goal is to preserve the jobs of our employees who are affected by illness or disability. BEM is only carried out with the consent of the person concerned. Employees who have questions about BEM or who would like to apply for BEM themselves can contact the HR department .

The third pillar of health management at RWU is workplace health promotion. By this we mean offers through which our employees can positively influence their health themselves (behavioral prevention), but also measures to create healthy working conditions (relational prevention). One example is our management program, which contributes to improved personnel management and thus to the health and satisfaction of our employees. In terms of behavioral prevention, our employees and professors can take advantage of a varying range of health measures. You can find more information here.

Further information

BGM Workgroup

In order to systematize workplace health management at RWU, the Workplace Health Management Workgroup was founded in 2017. Various stakeholders at our university contribute their knowledge and experience in order to make the best possible use of existing resources for employee health.

In the spirit of active participation, members of as many employee groups as possible from our university are represented in the workgroup. Members meet regularly to jointly shape the direction of workplace health management and to discuss new projects. If employees have any questions or concerns regarding workplace health management, they can contact Human Resources and Organizational Development (see "Contact & People" tab).

Contact & People

General contact details

On campus
Building H (main building)
Doggenriedstrasse 70
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Workplace Health Management
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Workplace Health Management

Christine Reudanik M.Sc.

HR and Organizational Development Consultant
Member of the Executive Board of the Staff Council