Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Hofmeister
Opening hours | by arrangement |
Phone | |
marius.hofmeister@rwu.de | |
BBB video conference |
Web links | |
Room | T 108 |
On campus |
Building T
Doggenriedstr. 42
88250 Weingarten |
Postal address |
RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Hofmeister P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten Germany |
Main focus
- AI-driven software development
- Web development and web architectures
- Software architecture
- Cloud computing
- Dean of Studies Applied Computer Science (Bachelor)
- Member of the 'AI@RWU' working group for the development of a university-wide curriculum for teaching AI skills
- Member of the German Society for Computer Science (GI) and the Association for Higher Education and Science (VHW)
Appointed in 2018 as professor for web development in the courses of Applied Computer Science, Internet and Online Marketing, Media Design.
Studies at the Stuttgart Media University, doctorate at the University of Tübingen. Subsequently, professional activities as a research consultant on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and as a senior consultant in a medium-sized IT consulting company.
Parallel lecturing activities at national and international conferences. Awarded with numerous scholarships and prizes.
- Symposium "Computer Science Programs in Transition: Challenges, Opportunities, Solutions", funded by the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg
- Final event of Code Week Baden-Württemberg 2024 at RWU
Selection of recent publications, presentations, workshops:
- M. Hofmeister: "What AI Competencies Do Computer Scientists Need?" – Keynote at the Workshop "The Future of Computer Science Education – Developing New Recommendations of the GI for Computer Science Programs," INFORMATIK FESTIVAL 2024, Annual Conference of the German Informatics Society (GI).
- M. Hofmeister: "Generative AI: Future Skills for Software Developers," W-JAX, Conference for Java, Architecture, and Software Innovation, November 4–8, 2024, Munich.
- M. Hofmeister: "AI and Software Engineering – How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Software Development," Wednesday Seminar, RWU University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten, June 5, 2024, Weingarten.
- M. Hofmeister: "Artificial Intelligence in Software Development," opta data summIT 2024, April 16, 2024, Essen.
- M. Hofmeister: "AI in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as a Software Development Simulation," Networking Event “AI in Higher Education in Baden-Württemberg” by the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, March 11, 2024, Stuttgart.
- N. Blessing, M. Schmitt, M. Hofmeister: "Scaling First: API-Based Video Conversion in the Cloud," IT Spektrum, Issue 03/2024
- W. Lehner, M. Altuntas, M. Hofmeister: "New Framework in the React Ecosystem: Curtain Up for Remix!", Entwickler Magazin, Issue 6/2023
- S. Raps, M. Hofmeister: "Headless into the future: the headless CMS comparison", PHPMagazin, issue 2/2023
- C. Jehle, M. Milos, M. Hofmeister: "Is WebAssembly ready for Java?", Java Magazine, issue 11/2022
- S. Schwegler, M. Hofmeister: "Serverless architectures under the magnifying glass", IT Spektrum, issue 02/2022
- B.-M. Braun, P. Hehnle, M. Hofmeister: "Many paths lead to the digital process: A comparison of workflow management systems for digitizing business processes", Java Magazin, issue 09/2021
- S. Ritscher, M. Hofmeister: "Component Architectures in Comparison: React or Web Components?", Entwickler Magazin, Issue 05/2021
- M. Hofmeister: Workshop "Web Programming for Beginners", IWT Institute for Continuing Education, Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Friedrichshafen, December 2019.
- M. Hofmeister: "New security risks in focus", Java aktuell, issue 03/2018
- S. Rauh, M. Hofmeister: "Angular 5 vs. React," International JavaScript Conference, October 23-27, 2017, Munich, Germany.
- M. Hofmeister: "Websecurity in 2017 - News from the OWASP Top 10", W-JAX, Conference for Java, Architecture and Software Innovation, November 6-10, 2017, Munich and Berlin Expert Days, September 21-22, 2017, Berlin.
- Graphical User Interfaces (Applied Computer Science course)
The focus is on the creation of graphical user interfaces on the web. Client- and server-side programming with JavaScript and Node.js, respectively, as well as the implementation of REST-based single-page applications with current JavaScript frameworks such as Vue.js or Angular will be covered. - Web Programming (Applied Computer Science course)
Covers the creation of interactive cloud-based web applications. Topics include the use of containers using Docker as an example, the creation of scaling infrastructures using Serverless Functions, and the realization of DevOps principles based on the use of Infrastructure as Code. - Web Development 1 (Media Design & Digital Design course).
The goal is to create visually appealing websites using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Emphasis is placed on teaching the design capabilities of the web (including box models, grid layouts, responsive design). - Web Design 2 (Internet and Online Marketing course).
Students receive an introduction to programming using the JavaScript scripting language. Other topics include creating responsive websites and using content management systems (CMS) using WordPress as an example. - Programming 2 (Media Design & Digital Design course)
Consolidation of existing knowledge and skills of the Java programming language in the context of a multi-tier application architecture. Covered are object-oriented language concepts, graphical programming with JavaFX, and basics of database systems. - Mobile Applications for Online Marketers (Internet and Online Marketing course)
Basic principles of programming, especially of mobile native applications, as well as special features of various mobile devices and their components. - Advanced Web Engineering (elective)
The module addresses advanced topics of web engineering, e.g. use of CSS by means of preprocessors, introduction to web components, in-depth study of modern JavaScript frameworks such as Vue or Angular.
Teaching (archive)
- Internet (only in WS 2019/20)
Teaching the higher level protocols and services used on the Internet. Topics include the architecture of network applications, the protocols HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS as well as multimedia networks and an introduction to cloud computing. - Tool Competence for Online Marketers (only until WS 2020/21)
Introduction and application of software tools relevant in online marketing from the areas of SEO, social media marketing and digital analytics. - Software Engineering for Managers (partial transfer, only in SS 2021).
Advanced concepts, methods, practices and tools from the field of software engineering, e.g. application and deepening of process models especially agile methods. - Development of digital products (partial adoption, only in SS 2021)
Requirements engineering, agile approaches and selected innovation methods
- WERA cargo bikes website, see https://wera-lastenrad.de/
- Development of a municipal platform in cooperation with Stadtwerk am See, see https://www.rwu.de/news-medien/news/stadtwerk-am-see-und-hochschule-bauen-kommunalplattform
If you are looking for a supervisor and/or topic for your project or thesis, please contact me. Past theses in the field of web development can be found on our blog. Typical topics so far were:
- Simone Ritscher: Web Components or React: differences, similarities and use cases (2021).
- Rinor Svarca: Examination and Comparison of Architectural Approaches in Frontend Development (2019)
- Sascha Metz: Progressive Web Apps - the future of native applications? Design and Implementation of a Progressive Web App for Viewing Participant Data of an Event (2019)