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Press release

Fake news and conspiracy theories - Who can I still believe?

RWU-Earls Night Social Talk zum Thema "Fake News und Verschwörungstheorien - Wem kann ich noch glauben?"
Wie sind Fake News von faktenbasierten und vertrauenswürdigen Nachrichten zu unterscheiden? Darüber spricht Professorin Dr. Anja Klimsa beim Early Night Social Talk am 21. November 2023 an der RWU.

Weingarten - Fake news, also known as false reports or lying news, are false or misleading informations that are deliberately created and disseminated. There are many reasons for this: to fool people, to influence opinions or to pursue certain goals. The distribution of false information can have serious consequences. It reduces trust in the media, promotes social divisions or directly manipulates political processes such as elections.

The Early Night Social Talk at RWU on Tuesday, 21st November from 6 p.m., will be dedicated to this topic. Professor Dr Anja Klimsa, who teaches media, communication and counselling at the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing, will address some fundamental questions in her talk: What are fake news and conspiracy theories? What strategies are used to spread them? And what role do the media play in this? Anja Klimsa will take a look at these phenomena from a scientific perspective.

The lecture and subsequent discussion will address the many challenges that fake news and conspiracy theories pose for each individual, but also for us as a society.

Early Night Social Talk
"Fake news and conspiracy theories - Who can I still believe?"
With: Prof Dr Anja Klimsa
Tuesday, 21st November 2023, starting at 6 p.m.

No registration necessary.
Admission is free of charge.

Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences
Leibnizstraße 10
88250 Weingarten
Building A, Room A316

Text: Julia Jäger / Lisann Gauß



Text: Julia Jäger / Lisann Gauß