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Part-time / German
Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

Social and Health Care Management

MSG Flyer und Titelbild
At a glance
Regular period
5 semesters
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Apply till 07/15
Bachelor's degree/diploma/state examination degree and one year of professional activity.
  • Personen
    Masterabschluss 2024 - Herzlichen Glückwunsch
  • Bereichsleitung nach Master Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen
    Das Masterstudium hat mir sehr viel Freude bereitet und mich fachlich und persönlich sehr bereichert.
  • Justitiarin studiert berufsbegleitend Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen
    Das berufsbegleitende Masterstudium bereitet mich gut auf meine Führungsaufgaben in unserer Senioreneinrichtung vor. Die berufsbegleitende Variante ist für mich genau das richtige.
  • Masterabsolventen im beruflichen Alltag
    Ein gelingendes Management bezieht verschiedene Perspektiven in die Entscheidungen ein. Uns ist es wichtig in der Führungsposition den Rahmen für gute Pflegeversorgung zu setzen.
    Weiterdenkertagung - DIE Plattform für alle Akteure im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen in Oberschwaben und weit darüber hinaus.


All events
MSG Flyer und Titelbild

First interest?

You are interested in a master's degree that builds on your degree in social work, nursing, physical and occupational therapy, or similar. You want to better understand your clients' needs, get to the bottom of your clients' situations, improve your organization, your business, and shape your professional future.

You think ahead - you are ahead - you are exactly right here!

Acquire tools, knowledge and competencies to better manage your tasks in your exciting and important field of work. We accompany you. Studying for a master's degree also means developing your own personality. We coach you.

Write to us ( , call us (0751-501-9471) or come to our next online information event (see dates).. We will answer all your questions and support you in making the right decision for you.

We look forward to meeting you!

Masterabsolventen Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen im beruflichen Alltag

Shape your professional future

In order for you to successfully serve your clients and for your clients to be satisfied, your performance matters. With our master's degree, you have the expertise to change your organization as a leader and to motivate and inspire your employees in such a way that you can successfully shape the future.

  • You take on leadership responsibility with foresight,
  • You make responsible decisions in personnel matters,
  • You design quality-oriented and cost-conscious processes in care and in the company,
  • You fulfill the wishes of your customers and clients in a needs-oriented manner,
  • You negotiate successfully and sustainably,
  • You keep a comprehensive eye on social, technical and political changes.

Study projects give you the time and space to combine your practical experience with current problems in a scientifically sound manner.

Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.

Study program

You study part-time and thus continue to participate in the current developments in your professional field and do not have to forego income.

Over the five semesters of study, you will acquire 90 ECTS credits in attendance and self-study. With the master's thesis in the fifth semester, you complete your studies with practical relevance. Attendance study means monthly interaction with lecturers and fellow students at the university in the form of lectures and seminars. Practical projects form the bridge between your acquired scientific knowledge and the challenges of practice.

The tuition fee is 9,000.00 euros and is paid in equal parts over the five semesters. The administrative and student union fee of approximately 160.- Euro is to be paid per semester. There are no additional examination fees.

Note on financing

Tuition fees, travel expenses to attendance events and to meetings of project and working groups, as well as other costs due to the studies, are tax deductible as further education costs.

berufsbegleitend Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen

Profession & Perspectives

"The Management Master's was so worthwhile for me because almost all current social issues are linked to the economic and management-oriented tasks in the social economy. The teaching of theoretical principles for applied practice was also a real benefit for me!"
Indra Baier-Müller, District Administrator LKR. Oberallgäu, previously chairwoman of the board - Diakonie Kempten.

"Our lecturers are scientifically oriented, experienced practitioners. Our study program, developed over almost 20 years, is described by our alumini as "mega, super, brilliant". Professional success and personal satisfaction are directly linked."
Professor Dr. Axel Olaf Kern, Dean of Studies

"The social and healthcare system will change rapidly in the coming years - not only in Baden-Württemberg. From e-prescription to 3D printing to increasing networking: digitalization requires excellently trained professionals who, with empathy and expertise, will ensure that our social and healthcare system remains efficient, innovative and needs-based in the future as well. The master's program in Management in Social and Health Care at Ravensburg-Weingarten University provides an ideal foundation for this. I very much like to think back to my own time studying at the university and wish the current students as well as all upcoming students in the MSG an insightful, profitable and joyful time."
Manne Lucha, Minister for Social Affairs and Integration, MSG graduate


Alle Infos kompakt auf einen Blick.
pdf (217 kB)
download Aktuelle Zulassungs- und Auswahlsatzung der RWU für Masterstudiengänge - gültig ab WiSe24/25
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Regelungen zum Hochschulzulassungs- und –auswahlverfahren für Masterstudiengänge vom 16. Mai 2024
Satzung der Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten über die Regelungen zum Hochschulzulassungs- und –auswahlverfahren für Masterstudiengänge vom 16. Mai 2024
pdf (186 kB)


download 2023_02_22 CHPS Working Paper No 19_Generation Z_Magnus Bürkle
„Gen Z“ und die Führung - Generationsspezifische Führung der Generation Z das Mittel zum Erfolg?
„Gen Z“ und die Führung - Generationsspezifische Führung der Generation Z das Mittel zum Erfolg?
pdf (4 MB)

Module Handbook

Ältere Modulhandbücher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
pdf (180 kB)

Study and examination regulations

download Aktuelle SPO Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen MBA
§31 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge - Fassung vom 29. Juni 2023
§31 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge - Fassung vom 29. Juni 2023
pdf (81 kB)
download SPO für die Masterstudiengänge der RWU - Fassung vom 19. Januar 2023
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum SoSe 2023 in Kraft
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum SoSe 2023 in Kraft
pdf (637 kB)
download SPO Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen MBA
§31 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge - Fassung vom 23. Mai 2019
§31 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Masterstudiengänge - Fassung vom 23. Mai 2019
pdf (141 kB)

Further information

Curriculum Preview

Download curriculum

Providers of services in the social and healthcare sectors are currently facing economic challenges that they cannot successfully master without modern management. Financing bottlenecks, cost pressure and increasing competition characterize the situation. Quality management, customer orientation and social marketing are now indispensable. At the same time, it is important to develop an organizational and leadership culture with which employees can identify and in which their motivation and commitment can flourish. The master's degree program aims to provide participants with the necessary state-of-the-art management and business skills, and to qualify graduates to assume management responsibility and leadership functions in social and health care institutions and services.

Study contents:

  • Management with the main areas of organizational development, human resources development and quality management
  • Business administration with the main areas of accounting, cost and performance accounting, controlling, financing and investment
  • Basics of social economy as a branch of economics
  • Social marketing and public relations
  • Law, in particular parts of the German Civil Code relevant to business administration, labor law, social law
  • Politics, in particular social and health policy
  • Scientific and empirical work as well as evaluation procedures
  • Interdisciplinary projects and master thesis

Mario Müller msg

Testimonial Jana Steidle

Testimonial Franz Reich

Completed master's theses (selection):

"Gen Z" and leadership - Generation-specific leadership of Generation Z the means to success? (Magnus Bürkle, MBA)

With strategy to the Employer of Choice - Being ready for the nursing staff of tomorrow

Current challenges for managers of inpatient geriatric care facilities in dealing with employees of different generations and the resulting demands on the management style against the background of the shortage of skilled workers.
Value creation through appreciation Quality management as a driver of humanistic corporate management
Work-life balance in shared services in social institutions using the example of the boarding school of the KBZO Foundation
Problems of the operational co-determination in the enterprise of the social economy - under special view of church social enterprises
The non-profit company with limited liability (gGmbH) as legal form for social-economical enterprises - representation of the gGmbH (and demarcation of alternative company forms) with consideration of the non-profit character right of the tax code and empirical Unterschung at the example of social-economical enterprises in the legal form of the gGmbH with operational units in the district Ravensburg

Contribution to the emancipation of social work from criminology-theoretically based commissioned work in probationary services using the example of the Bewährungs- und Gerichtshilfe Baden-Württemberg (BGBW) - Plea for a critical, visionary social work - (Sandra Greschat, MBA)


Application deadline for the winter semester 2023/2024

is Saturday, July 15, 2023 => EXTENDED UNTIL END OF AUGUST!!!

RWU's online application portal will be available in May.
You are welcome to submit your application (CV and Bachelor's/Master's/Diploma transcripts) by mail ( at any time .
By reserving a place in writing, we would like to help you plan and, if necessary, conduct interviews with your employer.

Admission requirements are a relevant university degree in the field of social and health care and at least one year of professional practice in the relevant fields of work in the social and health care sector.

It is our concern to advise you individually and to answer your questions regarding the master program. Do not hesitate and contact us: .

We would be happy to invite you to an informational and familiarization interview and to accept your application.

As a part-time continuing education program, we are able to consider applications up to mid-September.


Semester fee

Each semester , a semester fee is due from all students upon enrollment or re-registration. This is charged at a similar rate by all universities in Germany.

Composition and amount of the fee

The tuition fee for the part-time Master's program is € 9,000. This is due in 5 installments of 1800.-€ per semester. At the beginning of the study program, the enrolled students will receive a fee notice, which contains the respective payment terms.

RWU-Weiterdenkertagung 2024, Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema: "Transformation im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen"

Social and Health Care Management

Weiterdenkertagung24: Transformation in the social and health care sector

Numerous representatives from the region discuss current opportunities and challenges in the social and health care sector. / Socio-ecological and digital transformation are the focus.

Foto von Zian Mahayni KeyNote Speaker der Weiterdenkertagung

Press release

On the way to the future - Weiterdenkertagung 2023

Discussing the current opportunities and challenges in the social and health care sector, gaining insights into the work of colleagues, exchanging ideas and networking - the Weiterdenkertagung at RWU offers all this.

Wirtschaftsministerin Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut (CDU)

Press release

Health economy - in the region and in the future

Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Economic Affairs, Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, discusses the opportunities and challenges of the healthcare industry with representatives of the university and regional companies at RWU.



Thursday, October 12, 2023

Opening lecture

Prof. Dr. Ziad Mahayni

"Tomorrow has never been as exciting as it is today.
The digital revolution and the future of mankind"

Followed by further discussion in the working groups:

-Digital Leadership - Employee Leadership in the Digital Age.
Electronic patient records and digital tools - opportunities for better care for people.
-Retention Management - Employee marketing starts in-house. Factors of successful employee retention.
-Digital care offerings - requirements for professionals - added value for clients.

Be there! Weiterdenkertagung
THE platform for networking and further thinking in the social and health care sector.


8:30 Arrival, networking snacks, thinking ahead

9:00 a.m. Welcome by Rector Professor Dr.- Ing. Thomas Spägele

9:15 a.m. Greeting by Minister Manne Lucha MdL

10:00 am Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ziad Mahayni
"Tomorrow has never been as exciting as it is today -.
the digital revolution and the future of mankind".

11:15 a.m. Working groups Further thinking I and Further thinking II

13:15 Lunch

14:00 Working Groups Rethinking III and Rethinking IV

16:00 Coffee Farewell - Business Card Memory - Thinking ahead

The working groups

Thinking ahead I:
Digital Leadership - Leading employees in the digital age
Epple, Benjamin (M.A.), HR Business Partner, telent GmbH

The digital transformation within organizations is more than just a technical change, it is a fundamental change in working
working culture and thus also of leadership culture. This goes hand in hand with changing demands on managers.
What does this mean in concrete terms for employee management and how much of it is really digital?

Thinking ahead II:
Electronic patient record (ePA) and digital tools - opportunities for better care for people.
Forcher, Tobias; Head of Operations, AOK - My Life

The ePA and digital tools will make a valuable contribution to improving medical care for patients and medical research.
medical research. Can this also help to counteract the shortage of doctors in rural areas?
rural areas due to the shortage of doctors?

Thinking ahead III:
Retention and reconnect management starts in-house. Factors of successful employee retention
Christoph Forderer, nursing station manager, Vorarlberger Landeskrankenhäuser,
Ruben Giesin, Head of Nursing Department, Center for Psychiatry South Württemberg (Master students Management in Social and Health Care)

A workshop with presentation of practical experiences, new life-world oriented approaches and findings from the
development of the ReConnect program.

Thinking ahead IV:
Digital care offers - requirements for professionals - added value for clients
Bernd Heggenberger and team, OWB - Education and Employment Promotion

Digital applications are also increasingly gaining ground in the social sector. They are mobile, quickly ready for use and
intuitive to use.
Can they also be used profitably in the day-to-day work and care of people with different needs?
As an inclusive team, we want to answer this question using practical examples.

Be part of it! Weiterdenkertagung- THE platform for networking and further thinking in the social and health sector.

Organizer and venue
Part-time Master's program "Management in the Social and Health Care Sector
Prof. Dr. Axel Olaf Kern, Perpetua Schmid (MBA)
Leibnizstraße 10, 88250 Weingarten, Building A, Room 316/317;
Registration at:

Participation fee
Please transfer the contribution towards expenses of 30.-€ to the
Project account of the Weiterdenkertagung.
Baden-Württembergische Bank (Landesoberkasse Baden-Württemberg)
IBAN: DE02 6005 0101 7495 5301 02
project number 7446020201
reason for payment 1875240014014




Review Weiterdenkertagung22

Photo gallery

Summary of results of Weiterdenken I: Success factors for the effective use of Purpose to attract and retain employees.

Erfolgsfaktoren Purpose zur Gewinnung und Bindung von MitarbeiterInnen

Make yourself strong

was invited to conduct a workshop on child poverty and digitalization at the Weiterdenkertagung 2022. Together with the interested participants, an exciting discussion could be held. The presentation by Angelika and Simon is available at:

Digital technologies dominate. They determine our everyday behavior and interaction. With the pandemic, this dominance has undeniably expanded and manifested itself. While the digitalization push enabled many to adapt to new demands, especially in the world of work, it exacerbated social exclusion for more than a few. We were made abundantly aware that digital technologies, in their programming, application and impact, mirror and further deepen existing social inequalities and power relations.

What is clear is that the pandemic did NOT affect everyone equally. In many ways, people in poverty situations were affected more than once and more severely. Looking at our topic, for example, the digital divide between those who use digital media on a daily basis and those who lack the material and personal prerequisites for digital participation has deepened. This is true in the case of digital access to education and leisure activities, as well as other framework conditions such as private spaces of retreat, especially for children and young people affected by poverty.
In the pandemic and during homeschooling, educational opportunities became further skewed. Digital opportunities played a key role in determining participation in class and the acquisition of learning content. While various measures have been taken by policymakers, they are not yet extensive enough.
Digitization in education urgently needs to be advanced in such a way that all young people can participate equally in the digitized learning worlds. The basic prerequisites are a reliable infrastructure and sufficient basic equipment, as well as the ability to use digital technologies competently on the part of all those involved, i.e., young people, but also their caregivers in the family, educational and leisure institutions.

From the perspective of "Make yourself strong", what is needed is:
  • Compensation for disadvantages that have arisen and prevention of further negative consequences in connection with the pandemic.
  • basic digital equipment for all, especially for children and families affected by poverty
  • Nationwide, public and reliable Internet as part of the provision of public services
  • Strengthening the digital competencies of children, but also of caregivers and caregivers.
  • The development of a hybrid understanding of social space that enables participation for all.


Thinking ahead conference22

During the "Weiterdenkertagung" in July 2022 the
"Nine demands on the policy for successful digitization in the social economy".

These will be presented onManne Lucha MdL, Minister für Soziales, Gesundheit und Integration

Friday, July 1, 2022
in Building A, Room 316

commented by
Mr. Minister for Social Affairs, Health and Integration

Manne Lucha MdL

In addition, we are looking forward to Tom Buschardt and his lecture

"Healthier living with anger fasting".

Afterwards you will discuss your current questions about health, the purpose of your company, the implementation of the telematics infrastructure and poverty in the working groups.

Choose a working group(WD I or WD II) in the morning and a working group(WD III or WD IV) in the afternoon and be there when the Weiterdenkertagung is once again THE platform for networking and further thinking of the social and health sector in Upper Swabia and beyond.

8:30 Arrival, networking snacks, making contacts

9:00 a.m. Welcome

9:15 amMinister Manne Lucha MdL
Commenting on the 9 demands "Successful digitalization in the social and health sector".

10:00 a.m. Tom Buschardt
"Healthier living with anger fasting"

11:15 a.m. Further thinking WD I and WD II

13:15 Lunch

14:00 Further thinking WD III and WD IV

4:00 p.m. Coffee Farewell - Business Card Memory - Thinking ahead.

Thinkingahead I - How companies benefit from an overarching corporate purpose (Purpose). For strategy, customer relations and the recruitment and motivation of employees. (Arne Mack, Stefan Bohrmann, ebene c / consulting for brands and people)

Thinkingahead II - How digitization and poverty affect each other and what steps need to be taken to enable people to participate and contribute their skills (Simon Näckel, Caritas Competence Center for Social Policy, Angelika Eisenbeiß, Caritas Bodensee-Oberschwaben).

Thinking ahead III - How health as a megatrend also affects companies in the social and health sector in particular, in order to keep staff permanently efficient and must be reflected in management and work behavior. (Thomas Löffer, Moving People)

Thinking ahead IV - How companies in the social economy must organize themselves to ensure successful digitization in the face of the telematics infrastructure. (Thorsten Blocher, CGM Clinical Deutschland GmbH, Ulrich Lohmann, Proceed GmbH und Co.KG)

We look forward to you and your insights, perspectives, questions and comments in the working groups. Vote yourself into one working group each (WD I/WD II and WD III / WD IV) and join us on Friday, July 1, 2022 at the university!

Register at:

QR Code Anmeldung

Please transfer the participation fee of 30.- € (student rate: 10.- €) to the project account of the Weiterdenkertagung.
Baden-Württembergische Bank (Landesoberkasse Baden-Württemberg)
IBAN: DE02 6005 0101 7495 5301 02
project number 7446020201; reason for payment 181875240014014



Pure profit maximization was yesterday! How companies benefit from an overriding corporate purpose. For strategy, customer relations and the acquisition and motivation of employees. A creative workshop format with the brand and communication specialists from ebene c.

THINKING AHEAD II - CHILD POVERTY AND DIGITALIZATION. -Simon Näckel(MACH DICH STARK), Angelika Eisenbeiß (Caritas Bodensee-Oberschwaben)

Almost every 5th child in Baden-Württemberg is affected or threatened by poverty. Child and family poverty is a structural and complex problem that affects us all. Digitization and poverty also have a reciprocal influence on each other. We want to discuss with you how this is happening.


"Health" as a universal value has become deeply anchored in our consciousness and has become an essential component of a high quality of life. Consequently, this megatrend is also shaping companies and their employees. In the future, only those companies will be able to maintain and retain their staff in the long term if this megatrend is firmly anchored in management and work behavior. The aim of the "Thinking ahead III" workshop is to identify the key success factors of the "health" megatrend for companies and thus also the prerequisites for a healthy working environment in the age of digitization, and to transfer them to operational practice using case studies.


You can expect a participatory event, guided by the following agenda

  • 1 workshop on the initial situation and getting to know each other
  • one impulse lecture per speaker on the topic
  • with subsequent workshops in each case
  • A final discussion on the topic

Target group: Employees and managers with responsibilities in the fields of organizational development, digital strategy development, quality assurance


Registration at:



Weiterdenkertagung21 - Optimal.Social.Digital

with Vince Ebert

Vince Ebert
Vince Ebert

When does the time "after" and "an everyday life with Corona" begin?

Already since February we know that it will be Thursday, July 22, 2021!

After a long wait and a tough struggle with the incidence figures and the corona rules, we are looking forward to you joining us at our Weiterdenkertagung21 to experience the not unknown science cabaret artist Vince Ebert with his opening lecture on digitalization in the social and health economy and the core sentence "Big Data may influence our lives more and more, but humans are only predictable to a certain extent".

Afterwards, you will discuss how digitalization can succeed in the social economy, which future opportunities are opening up and which paths still need to be paved.

We look forward to Eva-Maria Armbruster (Executive Director - Diakonisches Werk der evangelischen Kirche in Württemberg e.V.), Frank Stefan (Chairman of the Board Diakonie Kork, Chairman of the Bundesverband ev. Behindertenhilfe), Sarah Theune (Executive Director - vediso - Verband für Digitalisierung in der Sozialwirtschaft e.V.) and to you!

So that we can experience all this live and in color at the congress center in Weingarten, we will be seated with loose AHA rule spacing and ask you for 3G - vaccinated, recovered, tested. This way, the Weiterdenkertagung of our part-time master program MSG will once again be a great success for all of us.


9:30 Arrival, standing reception, networking appetizers.

10:00 Welcome

Rector Professor Dr.-Ing. Thomas Spägele

Dean Professor Dr. Jörg Wendorff

Dean of Studies Professor Dr. Axel Olaf Kern

10:20 a.m. Vince Ebert - "Big Dadaism - With common sense through digitalization".

11:15 Networking break

11:45 Discussion of your questions with

Eva-Maria Armbruster (Executive Director - Diakonisches Werk der evangelischen Kirche in Württemberg e.V.)
Frank Stefan (Chairman of the Board - Diakonie Kork)
Sarah Theune (Director - vediso - Association for Digitalization in the Social Economy)
Moderation: Professor Dr. Axel Olaf Kern

14:00 Closing coffee - creating contacts - thinking ahead



Picture gallery of the Weiterdenkertagung21


Vince Vince ebertVince und AxelBlick in den Saal

Sarah TheuneFrank StefanEva-Maria Armbruster




Please transfer the participation fee of 30.- € to the project account of the Weiterdenkertagung.
Baden-Württembergische Bank (Landesoberkasse Baden-Württemberg)
IBAN: DE02 6005 0101 7495 5301 02
project number 7446020201 ; reason for payment 181875240014014

The event will be continued on September 17, 2021 with workshops and further thinking sessions.




Review - MSG Weiterdenkertagung20

The Weiterdenkertagung20 focused on the effects of digital transformation for the health and social economy. It became particularly clear that it means a transformation from systems to networks. In systems, the system elements, the participants, are defined. The participants are related to each other and are controlled as a whole within clear boundaries. In contrast, in networks there are neither roles nor functions. Networks are open and permeable. This means that new leadership models such as holocracy and sociocracy are emerging. New value chains are the result. At the same time, companies have to face organizational challenges in a rapidly changing environment. In this context, it is of utmost importance to recognize the technical changes and to set the right course in good time. The development of the telematics infrastructure (TI), which can be seen as the largest IT project in the world, is of essential importance. The launch of the TI represents a major step toward a forward-looking healthcare and social system. The digital networking of all players will bring about a significant improvement in client and patient care. Those responsible in companies in the social economy and the healthcare industry are challenged to find their way through this change.

In addition to the technical infrastructure, which on the one hand includes software solutions and on the other hand requires making the critical infrastructure crisis-proof, the companies and institutions in the social and health care sector must live a comprehensive customer orientation in the digitally transformed environment. This includes, in particular, understanding employees in the digital working world, taking their needs seriously in balancing private and professional requirements, and providing support. This also includes using digital tools as early as the recruitment phase, while at the same time presenting a consistent picture of the work experience in the company. Digital platforms for addressing potential employees must be used professionally. This side of personnel marketing reflects the social institution's understanding of its own customer orientation. In the course of it for marketing of social andErfolgsfaktoren für die Kundenorientierung health mechanisms in the context of the Weiterdenkertagung 20 in a seven-point memorandum one stated that services can be developed only together with the clients and customers, in order to be successful. Thus, recruitment efforts are also only successful if they capture the perspective of potential employees. Social and health care facilities must enable personal exchange, without barriers and at eye level. The target groups are also addressed on the Internet. Customer comments must be responded to promptly. It is particularly important to maintain internal communication with employees. Employees as well as customers should be convinced of the company's services as brand ambassadors and report to the outside world. In addition, close contact with all stakeholders is essential in the social and health care industry. Immediate and timely responses, which thanks to technological possibilities can be standardized and yet individualized at the same time, open up space and time for personal and individualized contact with clients and customers Empathy, experience and friendliness are the hallmarks of employees in companies in the social and health economy. They respond to the individual needs of clients and take pride in their work. Although the companies have to orient themselves predominantly to the reimbursement rates set by the payers, individual pricing takes place. The customer's willingness to pay is a key criterion here. In the social healthcare industry, even in a digital environment and with digital transformation, attention is paid to the quality of care to a high degree, so that customers feel quality and value even in the smallest detail and stakeholders perceive this in the same way.

Digital transformation means keeping an eye on the requirements and needs of all customers and employees and systematically taking them into account in the sense of value-oriented corporate management. How this can be achieved, which steps are necessary for this, and why digital solutions represent options for the further development of corporate culture will be highlighted at the Weiterdenkertagung 21.


Tagungsdokumentation Weiterdenkertagung20

After the opening lecture by Professor Dr. Andréa Belliger (Institute for Communication & Leadership IKF, Lucerne) on the topic "Digital Transformation. The social phenomenon beyond apps and smart algorithms", we enjoyed the following workshops:

Thinking ahead - Workshop I - You Telematics takes off.
Thorsten Blocher (CGM Compu Group Medical)

Thinkingahead - Workshop II - 10 ways to successfully scare away applicants - The worst mistakes in recruiting and how to avoid them.
Martin Maas, Marcus Fischer (Time4Hires)

Thinking ahead - Workshop III - Staying human in the digital world of work.
Raimund Alker, MBA (Trelleborg), Ines Wotsch, (McKesson Europe AG)

Thinkingahead - Workshop IV - Success factors for customer orientation today and tomorrow.
Arne Mack, Stefan Bohrmann (ebene c)

To all speakers we say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts!

Weiterdenkertagung cgmWeiterdenkertagung times4hires

Weiterdenkertagung _ Mensch bleibenWeiterdenkertagung _ Kundenorientierung



Review of the WeiterdenkertagungPflege (17.10.2019):

Weiterdenkertagung - "What can we learn from the Buurtzorg model?"

Jos de Blok spoke at the packed Weiterdenkertagung about the "Buurtzorg" care concept he developed.

The rows were packed at this year's Weiterdenkertagung of the Master's program "Management in Social and Health Care" at RWU. One of the reasons for this was certainly the guest who came from Holland: Jos de Blok spoke about the "Buurtzorg" nursing concept he developed in 2007. Started as an outpatient care service with four care professionals, Buurtzorg now has over 10,000 employees and the concept is being adapted in numerous countries around the globe.

Despite this enormous expansion, one of the central guiding principles of this concept remains "Keep it small. Keep it simple." Employees are organized into largely self-organized and self-determined groups.

On the panel that followed, Jos de Blok was joined in the discussion by Nadine-Michèle Szepan from AOK Bundesverband, the managing director of Liebenau Lebenswert Alter gGmbH Dr. Alexander Lahl, the dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Care Professor Dr. Wolfgang Wasel, and RWU student and ward manager at Oberschwabenklinik Mario Müller. The discussion was moderated by Professor Dr. Axel Olaf Kern

RWU Weiterdenkertagung 2024 Dr. Gerhard Timm
Quelle: BAGFW Hasskarl

Weiterdenkertagung 24


Vince Ebert

Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours individual according to agreement
Web links
Room A 219
On campus
Building A
Leibnizstr. 10
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Social and Health Care Management
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Program Management & Academic Advising

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Axel Olaf Kern

Gesundheitsökonomie, Sozial- und Gesundheitsmanagement, Sozialpolitik, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Studiendekan Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (Master berufsbegleitend)
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Axel Olaf Kern

Program Coordination

Perpetua Schmid MBA

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Master Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen
Perpetua Schmid


Prof. Dr. Jan-Marc Hodek

Gesundheitsökonomie, Finanzwirtschaft im Gesundheitswesen
Studiendekan Gesundheitsökonomie (Bachelor)
Jan-Marc Hodek

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Axel Olaf Kern

Gesundheitsökonomie, Sozial- und Gesundheitsmanagement, Sozialpolitik, Volkswirtschaftslehre, Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Studiendekan Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (Master berufsbegleitend)
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Axel Olaf Kern

Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Lange M.A.

Professor: Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege
Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Lange

Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Berthold Löffler

Empirische Sozialforschung, Politikwissenschaft, Recht

Prof. Dr. med. MPH Bertram Szagun

Professor für Gesundheit
RWU-Prof. Dr. med. MPH Bertram Szagun

Prof. Dr. Jörg Wendorff

Educational Science, Vocational Education.
Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing, Senate Representative for University Didactics, Head of DRC-First Responder at RWU and PH, South America Representative.
Jörg Wendorff


Perpetua Schmid MBA

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Master Management im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen
Perpetua Schmid


Prof. Dr. phil. Anja Klimsa M.A.

Dekanin der Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege, Ansprechperson bei sexueller Belästigung, Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Senatorin und Mitglied des QM Arbeitskreises
Kommunikation, Beratung, Medienpädagogik, Schulsozialarbeit
Anja Klimsa

Prof. Dr. Annika Valentin

Prodekanin der Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege, Soziale Arbeit mit Kindern/Jugendlichen, Diversity, Gender, Sexualpädagogik und sexuelle Bildung
RWU-Prof. Dr. Annika Valentin

Prof. Dr. phil. Hendrik Reismann

Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit
Studiendekan im Dekanat Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege
Hendrik Reismann

Examination Office

Jana Dittmann

Examination Office Faculty of Technology and Management, Student Service
Degree programs BM, TE/PE, TM/TW, BWU, IBS, TMO