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Hochschulsport Weingarten

University sports

New videos on the sports program

RWU students have launched a campaign to raise awareness of university sports.

RWU Girls' Day 2024 (03)

Press release

Important input for professional orientation

60 girls from Welfen-Gymnasium Ravensburg explore the technical degree programs at RWU on Girls' Day.

Early Night Social Talk: Psyche und Klima

Early Night Social Talk

How are psyche and climate change connected?

In the "Early Night Social Talk", Dr. Hans Knoblauch and Monika Stöhr from the Zentrum für Psychiatrie Südwürttemberg talked about the connection between climate change and the human psyche.


Press release

Steel parts from the printer

Three RWU Master's graduates have built a metal 3D printer. They have now gained plenty of experience with it and are looking for partners.

RWU Kompetenzzentrum Arbeitsforschung im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (KompIGA)

Press release

Labor research in social services and health care

Funding commitment: RWU is part of the "Competence Center for Innovative and Healthy Work in the Social and Healthcare Sector in the Alb-Bodensee-Iller Region".

Französicher Generalkonsul zu Gast an der RWU


French Consul General visits RWU

In addition to a reception in the town hall, discussions focused on expanding Franco-German academic cooperation.

Baum Gesicht Natur

Press release

Climate change - future - justice: a psychiatric perspective

Climate change and its effects on physical and mental health are increasingly being felt. Prof. Dr. Anna-Sophia Schwind from RWU will shed light on the connection between the psyche and the climate crisis as part of the "Early Night Social Talk" lecture series on April 23, 2024.

Podiumsdiskussion Barbie

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

BARBIE PODIUM NIGHT - Do we need Barbies?

Culture and science came together last Monday. The focus was on a panel discussion about professional equality for women and last year's blockbuster "Barbie".

Andreas Werner

Faculty of Technology and Management

Process mining - a method with many possible applications

Process Mining! - In a workshop at the Faculty of Technology and Management, participants learned about the methodology in a practical way. Guest: Andreas Werner from pharmaceutical service provider Vetter.

Digitalisierungscafé März 2024

Digitization café

3D sensor technology - between hobby use and everyday work

3D sensors and camera technology are becoming increasingly important. Accordingly, the current digitization café saw an intensive exchange of ideas on this topic.

RWU familiengerechte Hochschule 2024

Press release

Award for family-friendly working and study conditions

RWU has been certified as a family-friendly university by berufundfamilie for the fourth time.