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RWU, Semesterauftakt zum Sommersemester 2024: 256 Studentinnen und Studenten beginnen ihr Studium an der RWU. Feierliche Begrüßung im Kultur- und Kongresszentrum der Stadt Weingarten.

Press release

Start of the summer semester with 256 first-semester students

More than 250 students from 22 countries start their studies at RWU / Welcoming ceremony with the city of Weingarten in the Culture and Congress Center.

RWU-Weiterdenkertagung 2024, Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema: "Transformation im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen"

Social and Health Care Management

Weiterdenkertagung24: Transformation in the social and health care sector

Numerous representatives from the region discuss current opportunities and challenges in the social and health care sector. / Socio-ecological and digital transformation are the focus.

RWU-Künstliche Intelligenz-Robotik-Service-Roboter-RoboCup-Roboter-Weltmeisterschaft

Robotics and AI

RoboLab team qualifies for World Championships again

For the third time in a row, RWU's RoboLab team has qualified for the RoboCup World Championship with the support of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

RWU Studium Soziale Arbeit Master


RWU successful in the female professors program

RWU has been included in the Female Professors Program 2030 with its gender equality concept.

Verleihung Engineering-Award 2023

Award ceremony

Paul Hecht receives TOX Applied Engineering Award 2023

For the eleventh time, TOX® PRESSOTECHNIK is honoring an outstanding student achievement at RWU. The TOX-Applied-Engineering-Award 2023 goes to mechanical engineering graduate Paul Hecht.

Plenum beim Kick-Off Traumberuf Professorin Plus

Promotion of women in science

Launch of the joint project "Traumberuf Professorin Plus"

The "Traumberuf Professorin Plus" project was launched at the end of January. The cooperation between all 21 universities of applied sciences and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University is outstanding.

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Faculty of Technology and Management

"Go out and change this world!"

The Faculty of Technology and Management honored and bid farewell to its graduates in a festive setting.

RWU Info-Veranstaltung HAW-Prof

Press release

Career goal HAW professorship

RWU is hosting an online information event on February 2 to provide information on how to become a professor at universities of applied sciences (HAW).

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Press release

Artificial intelligence - Pandora's box has been opened

In the Wednesday seminar on January 17 at RWU, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ertel will talk about artificial intelligence and the associated future challenges.

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Graduation ceremony Faculty S

"You have really achieved something special"

In December, the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing bid farewell to 118 graduates who completed their degrees at RWU in the summer semester of 2023.

RWU, Übergabe DAAD-Preis und International Student Award für das Jahr 2023 an zwei indische Studierende durch Prof. Dr. Michael Pfeffer

Press release

Commitment that stands out

RWU awards two Indian students the DAAD Prize and the International Student Award for the year 2023 for their outstanding intercultural commitment