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Press release

Touch medicine - integrating interpersonal touch into clinical practice

In a recently published article, researchers propose a new discipline: touch medicine. Their approach aims to bridge the gap between recent discoveries in touch research and clinical medicine.

Klassenraum mit Menschen

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

Security and Safety at parties - RWU students on the Erasmus program in Portugal

In view of the happenings at student parties, Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences (RWU) has taken measures to improve the security and safety of its students.


Press release

A day in prison - students carry out an audit in Ravensburg Prison

Not many of us have ever seen the inside of a prison, entered a prison cell or eaten a prison lunch. Four RWU students have done so.

FSTW RollOut 2024 Teamfoto mit Stinger24E

Press release

RollOut of the Formula Student Team Weingarten for the season 2024

Last Thursday, the Formula Student Team Weingarten presented its new all-electric racing car, which will be raced at various events in Europe this summer.

RoboCup RWU-Team

Press release

RWU robotics team finishes at third place at the German Open

The RoboCup is the world's largest and most important competition for intelligent robots. Last April, the RWU team reached the third place at the German Open and is now preparing for the world championship.

Gruppenfoto Studienwoche Indien ZF Technology Centre India

International Business Management

South India and all its facets

RWU MBA students gain a wide range of impressions in India. The international study week shows the economic dynamics of an up-and-coming country.

Thorsten Weiss

Press release

Knowledge portfolio for stable success

In the Wednesday seminar on May 15 at RWU, Professor Dr. Thorsten Weiss will talk about how to develop your own knowledge portfolio.


Hochschulsport Weingarten

University sports

New videos on the sports program

RWU students have launched a campaign to raise awareness of university sports.

RWU Girls' Day 2024 (03)

Press release

Important input for professional orientation

60 girls from Welfen-Gymnasium Ravensburg explore the technical degree programs at RWU on Girls' Day.

Early Night Social Talk: Psyche und Klima

Early Night Social Talk

How are psyche and climate change connected?

In the "Early Night Social Talk", Dr. Hans Knoblauch and Monika Stöhr from the Zentrum für Psychiatrie Südwürttemberg talked about the connection between climate change and the human psyche.


Press release

Steel parts from the printer

Three RWU Master's graduates have built a metal 3D printer. They have now gained plenty of experience with it and are looking for partners.

RWU Kompetenzzentrum Arbeitsforschung im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (KompIGA)

Press release

Labor research in social services and health care

Funding commitment: RWU is part of the "Competence Center for Innovative and Healthy Work in the Social and Healthcare Sector in the Alb-Bodensee-Iller Region".