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Full-time Apprenticeship integrated / German
Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing


At a glance
Regular period
9 semesters; A reduction of the standard period of study is possible if the student has completed training in health care and nursing.
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Apply till 07/15
General qualification for university entrance or entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences and a training contract with a clinic that cooperates with the Lake Constance-Upper Swabia Health Academy.


Alle Termine

Nursing & health care as a field of work: crisis-proof, promising, dynamic and designable!

The degree program takes account of the overall increase in demand for academically qualified nursing professionals, which is now also growing in this country. Nursing professionals trained in this way make an important contribution to the well-founded further development and safeguarding of the future of direct nursing practice, which is confronted, among other things, with increasingly complex nursing situations. For this reason, the study program conveys the practical and theoretical contents of health care and nursing training in an innovative manner, as well as additional, central nursing and scientific competencies.

The nursing B.A. program offers taster lectures.

You can attend lectures without obligation and without registration on the following dates:

  • Course "Gerontological Basics": 14.03., 21.03., 28.03., 04.04., 18.04., 25.04., 02.05., 09.05., 16.05., 23.05., 06.06., 13.06., 20.06., 27.06.2023 in each case from 08:00 to 09:30 in room A316/317 (A-Building, Leibnizstraße 10, Weingarten).

Following the taster lecture, a guided tour of the nursing laboratory is possible.

Patient aus dem Bett holen.

Training and study in only 4 1/2 years!

The study program is divided into two sections: The first section (1st to 6th semesters) is primarily dedicated to professional training in health care/nursing. For this purpose, students form a course group at the health academy and are individually accompanied by reference teachers. Theoretical instruction, including practical exercises, comprises 2,100 hours, which take place in the form of block weeks. In the periods in between, practical phases of several weeks (2,500 hours) are to be completed in the training clinic (see below), but also in other facilities (e.g.: outpatient nursing service, retirement home, hospice, rehabilitation facility, etc.). Achievements made during this time are already credited to the study program, so that, for example, an internship semester, which is common in Bachelor's degree programs, is not required. At the same time, there are weekly events at the university, which in turn count towards the healthcare/nursing training. The services rendered are credited to both the study program and the training. After three years or 6 semesters, the written, practical and oral final examination (nursing exam) takes place, the successful passing of which includes the state professional license in health care/nursing and the admission to the second study stage (7th to 9th semester). It then takes place exclusively in the form of a course of study, expands the competencies acquired during training to include (specialist) scientific components and ends with the bachelor's thesis. A simultaneous professional activity (part-time) as a nursing specialist is recommended and possible in the second study stage; however, it is not mandatory.

Patient im Rollstuhl.

Diverse career opportunities

The fields of work for graduates lie in all nursing sectors equally (inpatient, day-care or outpatient care) and here above all in the care of people with complex care needs and the further development of direct care. Other possible fields of work include advising/training patients and their relatives, quality and project management, participation in the development and introduction of new nursing concepts, and nursing science research. In addition to all nursing/health care facilities, employers may include health/care insurance companies and nursing support centers.


Semester schedules

(enter "semester plan" in the search field)


download Flyer Pflege B.A.
Alle Infos kompakt auf einen Blick.
Alle Infos kompakt auf einen Blick.
pdf (5 MB)
download Aktuelle SPO Pflege B.A.
§46 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge - Fassung vom 01. Juli 2021
§46 der Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge - Fassung vom 01. Juli 2021
pdf (91 kB)
download Modulhandbuch Pflege B.A. für das WiSe24/25
Ältere Modulhandbücher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
Ältere Modulhandbücher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
pdf (384 kB)
download SPO für die Bachelorstudiengänge der RWU - Fassung vom 29. Juni 2023
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum WiSe 2023/24 in Kraft.
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für die Bachelorstudiengänge mit Allgemeinem Teil - Diese Änderungssatzung tritt zum WiSe 2023/24 in Kraft.
pdf (1 MB)
download SPO Pflege B.A. bis WiSe 19/20
Gültig bis zum Studienbeginn WiSe 19/20
Gültig bis zum Studienbeginn WiSe 19/20
pdf (84 kB)
download Modulhandbuch Pflege B.A. bis WiSe 19/20
Gültig bis zum Studienbeginn WiSe 19/20 mit temporären SPO Änderungen für das SoSe 21
Gültig bis zum Studienbeginn WiSe 19/20 mit temporären SPO Änderungen für das SoSe 21
pdf (269 kB)
download Zulassungs- und Auswahlsatzung Pflege B.A.
Zulassungssatzung für den Bachelorstudiengang vom 14. Mai 2020
Zulassungssatzung für den Bachelorstudiengang vom 14. Mai 2020
pdf (4 MB)
pdf (826 kB)
pdf (400 kB)

Further information

Postgraduate courses

Studierende bei Gruppenarbeit.

Applied Health Science

Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing
Curriculum Preview

Download curriculum


The application deadline is July 15 in each case

Persons who wish to complete a health care and nursing training program within their studies require a training contract and can apply for this directly at one of the following clinics. An application to the university is then no longer necessary for these persons.


Cooperating clinics (application addresses):

Oberschwabenklinik GmbH

Health Academy Bodensee- Oberschwaben

Mr. Andreas Thiel

Hähnlehofstr. 5

88250 Weingarten


Friedrichshafen Hospital GmbH

Nursing Directorate Mr. Andreas Stübner

Röntgenstr. 2

88048 Friedrichshafen


ZfP South Württemberg

Mrs. Sandra Fischer

School for health care/nursing

Weingartshofer Str. 2

88214 Ravensburg


Tettnang Hospital

Nursing Directorate

Emil-Münch-Str. 16

88069 Tettnang


For those who are already professionally qualified

Persons who have already completed nursing training (geriatric nursing, health care/nursing, or pediatric health care/nursing) and meet one of the following requirements can apply for a place at the university directly via the university's homepage.

  • Completed training in nursing education and the general university entrance qualification or advanced technical college entrance qualification or
  • Completed training in nursing education and state-recognized advanced training (at least 400 teaching hours) as well as a counseling interview at RWU or
  • Completion of nursing training, at least three years of professional experience, counseling interview at RWU and successful completion of a subject-specific aptitude test.

If the student has completed nursing training, it is also possible to shorten the standard period of study. In these cases and depending on individual commitment, it can be between 5 and 9 semesters.

Semester fee

Each semester , a semester fee is due for all students upon enrollment or re-registration. This is charged at a similar rate by all universities in Germany.

Composition and amount of the fee

Fees for international students and for second degree studies

In Baden-Württemberg, there has been a tuition fee for international students (non-EU citizens) and a second-study fee since the winter semester 2017/2018. Thus, in some cases, a tuition fee must be paid in addition to the semester fee.

Prior to enrollment, applicants from non-EU countries or applicants for a second degree will receive a form to assess whether a tuition fee obligation actually exists.

The amounts and detailed information can be found under Finances.

Pflegelabor 21


RWU Kompetenzzentrum Arbeitsforschung im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen (KompIGA)

Press release

Labor research in social services and health care

Funding commitment: RWU is part of the "Competence Center for Innovative and Healthy Work in the Social and Healthcare Sector in the Alb-Bodensee-Iller Region".

RWU-Weiterdenkertagung 2024, Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema: "Transformation im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen"

Social and Health Care Management

Weiterdenkertagung24: Transformation in the social and health care sector

Numerous representatives from the region discuss current opportunities and challenges in the social and health care sector. / Socio-ecological and digital transformation are the focus.

Übergabe Rollstuhl-Waage Firma Kern an RWU


Wheelchair scales for the RWU care laboratory

The company Kern & Sohn has donated a wheelchair scale to the RWU nursing laboratory. "Our nursing students use it to practise a very accident-prone procedure."

Pflege im Fokus

Care in focus

Diversity of the nursing profession - first-hand insights

At the "Nursing in Focus" event, interested students were able to learn about the diversity of the nursing profession and the training opportunities in the district.

NEW: Study with exam


The "Nursing" degree program at RWU offers a unique opportunity in the Upper Swabia region for registered nurses to earn a bachelor's degree in five to nine semesters (depending on the individual study model). Your nursing exam will be credited as a lump sum toward your degree and you will receive 90 of 210 credits. This model takes into account the overall increase in demand for academically qualified nursing professionals.

As a scientifically and at the same time practically trained nursing specialist, you will make an important contribution to the well-founded further development of nursing practice, which is confronted with increasingly complex nursing situations.

Further information

Teaching assignments

Would you like to teach at a university one day to gain teaching experience?

Then a teaching position with us might be right for you.


At the moment we are not looking for teaching assistants.

Image galleries
RWU Abschlussfeier Fakultät S Sommersemester 2024 (17)

Graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Social Work, Health and Nursing

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Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours by appointment by e-mail
Room A 123
On campus
Building A
Leibnizstr. 10
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Program Management & Student Advisory Service

Prof. Dr. rer. cur. Maik Hans-Joachim Winter

Gerontologische Pflege
Studiendekan Pflege (Bachelor ausbildungsintegrierend), Direktor des Instituts für Gerontologische Versorgungs- und Pflegeforschung (IGVP)
 Maik H.J. Winter

Study Program Coordination

Dipl.-Sozialarb. (FH) Robert Löw

Koordination des Bachelor-Studiengangs Pflege, Verantwortlicher Leiter des Pflegesimulationslabors, Technische Betreuung der Fakultät S


Prof. Dr. Maria Mischo-Kelling

Stiftungsprofessur für Theorie und Praxis der klinischen Pflege, gefördert von ZfP Südwürttemberg, ADK GmbH für Gesundheit und Soziales, Klinikum Friedrichshafen GmbH, Oberschwabenklinik GmbH, Waldburg-Zeil Kliniken GmbH & Co. KG und dem Stifterverband
Prof. Dr. Maria Mischo-Kelling

Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Lange M.A.

Professor: Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege
Prof. Dr. habil. Andreas Lange

Prof. Dr. med. MPH Bertram Szagun

Professor für Gesundheit
RWU-Prof. Dr. med. MPH Bertram Szagun

Prof. Dr. rer. cur. Maik Hans-Joachim Winter

Gerontologische Pflege
Studiendekan Pflege (Bachelor ausbildungsintegrierend), Direktor des Instituts für Gerontologische Versorgungs- und Pflegeforschung (IGVP)
 Maik H.J. Winter

Employees & Staff

Stefanie Gottuk M.A.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
 Stefanie Gottuk

Anna Göppel-Schneider

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Projekt "Self-Care"
 Anna Göppel

Viktoria Köberle

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Projekt "Self-Care"
 Viktoria Köberle

Irena Schreyer M.Sc.

Academic Associate in the Nursing Program.
Correspondent of university didactics for faculty T.
Irena Schreyer

Dipl.-Sozialarb. (FH) Robert Löw

Koordination des Bachelor-Studiengangs Pflege, Verantwortlicher Leiter des Pflegesimulationslabors, Technische Betreuung der Fakultät S

Dean's Office

Prof. Dr. phil. Anja Klimsa M.A.

Dekanin der Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege, Ansprechperson bei sexueller Belästigung, Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Senatorin und Mitglied des QM Arbeitskreises
Kommunikation, Beratung, Medienpädagogik, Schulsozialarbeit
Anja Klimsa

Prof. Dr. Annika Valentin

Prodekanin der Fakultät Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege, Soziale Arbeit mit Kindern/Jugendlichen, Diversity, Gender, Sexualpädagogik und sexuelle Bildung
RWU-Prof. Dr. Annika Valentin

Prof. Dr. phil. Hendrik Reismann

Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit
Studiendekan im Dekanat Soziale Arbeit, Gesundheit und Pflege
Hendrik Reismann

Student Examination Office

Jana Dittmann

Examination Office Faculty of Technology and Management, Student Service
Degree programs BM, TE/PE, TM/TW, BWU, IBS, TMO