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Media Design

Symbolbild fĂĽr den Studiengang Mediendesign
At a glance
Regular period
7 semesters, including 1 practical semester
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Apply till 07/15
Abitur or Fachhochschulreife - No portfolio required

Our principles

  1. Subjects that are fun
  2. Versatility: photography, film, apps, animation, virtual reality, augmented reality, games, programming, web development, drawing ...
  3. Great study culture through project-based learning with lots of practice and team spirit
  4. Family atmosphere and friendships for life
  5. Short distances in a city with a wide range of leisure activities in the Lake Constance and Alpine foothills region


Media Design Showreel

A showreel from our media design studies with projects from the subjects 3D design, film, photography, game, design basics, motion design, project 1 & project 2, user experience design as well as the bachelor theses.

With examples from our students Alina, Alisa, Ann-Christin, Antonia, Bea, Carla, Cora, Daniel, Denise, Dylan, Elias, Hannah, Isabel, Isabell, Jacqueline, Jana, Jeremia, Johannes, Jonas, Joshua, Julia, Jule, Kilian, Koen, Leon, Lisa & Lisa, Leo, Leon, Mandy, Manuel, Milan, Nik, Noah & Noah, Petr, Rebecca, Robin, Selina, Simon, Verena, Yannick.

Supervised by our instructors Daniel, JĂĽrgen, Klemens, Marius, Markus, Robert.

Equipment used: Aputure, Black Magic PCP6K, Sony alpha A7 III, Sony alpha 6000 and 6600, Zoom.

Software: After Effects, Audition, Blender, DaVinci Resolve, Figma, Houdini, Illustrator, InDesign, Marvelous Designer, Maya, Photoshop, Substance Painter, Unity, Unreal, XD.

Production of the showreel: Maxi Schellhaase.

Events around Media Design

All events

Study guidance Media Design - German

Online study guidance for media design: Do you have questions about our media design degree program? Are you wondering whether you are suitable and what to expect? Do you want to know what you can do after your degree?

Firefox and Chrome work best for this.

Get in touch if you would like to have a look at the lectures. Send an email with your preferred date:

You can try out lectures during the semester.

Instagram Logo


Interested in current media design projects? You can find the work of our students on Instagram

Projects on Instagram

You can find more projects in the

Projects tab

Submit homework and improve access grade

You can apply from 3 April for the winter semester 2024/25.

You can improve your entrance grade by doing the homework and being invited to the selection interview. With the homework and the selection interview, you can improve your grade up to a maximum of 1.5 grades (but never lower it). The new homework assignment will be published on 3 April .

The application portal will be open from mid-May.

Media Design homework

Cosmo and Johannes report on their media design studies

Media designers sit comfortably with their laptops and make everything prettier? Is that true? Why are credits less important for design students? What does freedom have to do with it? Cosmo and Johannes give us an insight into the media design course. In this episode, you'll find out why decisions play such a big role.

Aylin and Franzi from RWU (ER)KLĂ„RT - DER BACKSTAGEPODCAST take you behind the scenes of RWU and explain interesting facts about media design studies, teaching and the curiosities of our university family.

Podcasts of RWU

Studierende Studiengang Mediendesign bei Party

Shaping digital worlds

You want to study design? Are you just as interested in photography, animation, film and storytelling as you are in apps, games and AR or VR? Do you find new technologies exciting and want to give free rein to your pioneering spirit?
We feel the same way. We are a small team of creative minds that would like to explore new ways with you to shape the future of the day after tomorrow.
From the first semester onwards, you will develop your skills in small groups and be mentored by motivated professors.

Mediendesign Thinking through making

Thinking Through Making

Digital Media Design is all about ideas. We encourage your individual talents and discover the latest technical developments and tools together so that you can quickly make your ideas tangible. The degree program is project-based and has a strong practical orientation. Project work is developed in small teams and results from the interplay of design and technological implementation skills.

Studentin mit VR-Brille.

Design and technology

People are at the centre of the study program. We design for their needs and desires in a modern digital society. Through your new ideas and projects, you create digital living environments with innovative technology and social vision.

Studierende des Studiengangs Mediendesign fotografieren im Studio

... and after graduation?

The career prospects are very good.

This was the result of a survey of our graduates in spring 2021:

  • 95% have a job and are satisfied or very satisfied with this job.
  • 34% already found a job during their studies, mostly through an internship or their Bachelor's thesis.
  • 78% work full-time
  • 18% work part-time
  • 4% are self-employed
  • 71% found the job in the first 3 months, 14% took 4-6 months, 15% started later.

The good job prospects are due to the fact that our graduates are fit in new technologies and programming. Without these skills, it is more difficult to start a career.

A Master's degree is also an option afterwards.

Popular are:

Downloads - German

Study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programs with general part - These amendment regulations come into force in SoSe 2023.
Ă„ltere ModulhandbĂĽcher sind im QM Portal abgelegt.
Zulassungssatzung fĂĽr den Bachelorstudiengang vom 28. Oktober 2021
Formular mit Hausaufgabe und Anmeldung zum Auswahlgespräch

Further information

Curriculum Preview
Download curriculum (pdf)

All contents of the MEDIA design program at a glance:


  • Basics of design (project work)
  • Photography (project work)
  • Interaction Design (project work)
  • Linear Algebra
  • Programming 1


  • Film (project work)
  • Motion Design (project work)
  • Programming 2
  • Mathematics for Designers


  • 3D Design (project work)
  • User Experience Design (project work)
  • Web Development 1 (project work)
  • Creative Coding (project work)


  • Project 1 (Free Project)
  • Game Design (Project work)
  • Soft Skills & Agile Methods (Project work)
  • Web Development 2 (project work)
  • Elective (depending on the elective, mainly project work)


  • Practical semester (practical semester in companies or institutions)


  • Project 2 (free project)
  • Compulsory elective module (project work)
  • Compulsory elective module (project work)
  • Compulsory elective module (project work)


  • Bachelor's thesis (free project)
  • Media Design Seminar (accompanying seminar for Bachelor)
  • Elective (depending on elective, mainly project work)
  • Elective (depending on the elective, mainly project work)



Online study advice, homework questions & taster sessions

Students & professors are happy to advise you.

  • The homework advice for the winter semester 2024/25 will take place online at:
    Tuesday, 16 April 2024, 5 pm
    Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 5 pm
  • Students answer your questions and show their own homework. Just take a look online. No registration necessary.
  • Big Blue Button

Sign up for a taster session:

Application only for the winter semester

The program offers 35 places per year and is only offered in the winter semester.

You can apply from May to 15 July . Lectures start at the beginning of October. You can find the exact dates in the menu: dates.

The applicants with the best overall grades will be admitted. In the winter semester 2023/24, all those who had an overall grade of 1.5 or better  in some cases were admitted. Those who had a waiting period of seven semesters and an HZB grade of at least 2.7 were also admitted.

Application portal (application possible from May)


Improve your admission grade with voluntary homework

If you would like to improve your grade by up to 1.5 grades , you can take part in the voluntary homework assignment. If your submitted homework is promising, you will be invited to the selection interview, where you can improve your grade from 0.0 to 1.5 marks (but never lower it).

From 3 April you will find the Media Design homework here. The deadline for the homework is 13 June (23:59). The selection interviews will take place in the first week of July. 

Unfortunately, second degree applicants CANNOT be awarded a bonus for a submitted homework assignment. Applicants who have already completed a degree course are assessed via a separate quota - the benchmark here is the Bachelor's degree grade.

Three steps to the homework and the selection interview

Download Homework Media Design 2024/25 (german language)

The deadline for the homework: 13 June.

Deadline for the submission of your homework: 13 June (23:59)


You have two options to submit the homework - either

Upload homework and registration form for the selection interview with upload link

Upload link:


Create folder:

  • Create a folder: NAME_First_Name_Application_Number_TaskABC
  • Each file must also be named the same: NAME_FirstName_Application_Number_Task.filename


  • Folder MUSTER_Mara_123456_B with the files.
  • SAMPLE_Mara_123456_B_Homework.pdf
  • MUSTER_Mara_123456_B_Homework.mp4
  • SAMPLE_Mara_123456_B_ApplicationSelection.pdf

The upload system does not provide feedback that your two files have arrived safely. If you are not sure whether your upload worked, send a mail to with your name and application number. We will check whether your uploads have arrived and can be opened and will get back to you.

In addition, you have to apply for the study program in the RWU application portal The application number is the number you get in the RWU application portal when you apply online.


Stick with homework by mail

You can also send your homework together with the registration form for the selection interview on a stick: Create a folder: NAME_First_Name_Application_Number_TaskABC with the two files NAME_First_Name_Application_Number_TaskABC_Homework.mp4 and NAME_First_Name_Application_Number_TaskABC_Application_Selection.pdf.

Send the stick by post to

RWU University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten

P O Box 30 22

D 88216 Weingarten


Or you can drop the letter with the stick into the mailbox of the main building.

You can apply online from May onwards.

RWU Application Portal

The selection interviews are scheduled to take place from in the first week of July. Each selection interview will last a maximum of 15 minutes. We will ask you questions about your homework, your motivation and check how well you are suited to our program. The bonus achieved will be counted towards your overall grade.

A maximum of 70 applicants with the best homework and the chance of a bonus will be invited to the selection interview.

FAQ Media Design

Yes, for example, if you don't have your school leaving certificate yet, you can submit it later. You can find the exact procedure in the application FAQ.

You can improve your grade by submitting the homework and being invited to the selection interview. With the homework and the selection interview, you can improve your grade up to a maximum of 1.5 marks (but never lower it).

Every year on 3 April, the new homework assignment is published online here. Deadline for the homework assignment and the application documents: 13 June (until 23:59).

The average grade of your university entrance qualification (Abitur, Fachhochschulreife, etc.) is used for the ranking list in the Media Design degree program.

If there are more applicants than places, 90% of the places are awarded through the selection procedure (best overall grade) and 10% of the places are awarded according to waiting time.

Yes! is credited:

Vocational training

You have completed vocational training? You will receive a bonus of 0.2 marks for the following training courses:

  • 23 Paper and printing occupations, technical media design
  • 27 Technical research, development, construction and production control occupations
  • 28 Textile and leather occupations
  • 31 Construction planning, architecture and surveying occupations
  • 43 Computer science, information and communication technology occupations
  • 92 Advertising, marketing, commercial and editorial media occupations
  • 93 Product design and arts and crafts occupations, fine arts, musical instrument making
  • 94 Performing and entertainment occupations

Not sure if your training is one of them? In the list of recognised training occupations you will find the designations under the respective numbers: https: //

Occupation in completed occupation
  • 0.1 marks bonus for each full year of professional activity in the completed occupation. A maximum of 4 years of professional activity is recognised.
Voluntary social year
  • 0.1 grade bonus. Federal voluntary service and voluntary ecological year are also recognised.
Practical activities, extracurricular achievements and qualifications
  • 0.1 marks to 0.2 marks bonus, depending on the extent of the activities.
Voluntary homework and selection interview
  • Up to 1.5 marks can be added to the overall mark by the result of a selection interview together with a self-completed homework assignment.

The bonuses achieved are added together.

Prospective students often apply to several universities and study programmes. As a result, places regularly become available again because applicants decide to take up another place. These vacant places are then allocated to those who did not make it in the first place. Places are again awarded according to the ranking list, i.e. first to those with the best overall grade.

You can find further information on applications and the allocation of places at the Admissions Office.

Each semester , a semester fee is due for all students when they enrol or re-register. This is charged at a similar rate by all universities in Germany.

Composition and amount of the fee

Fees for international students and for second degree programs

In Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, since the winter semester 2017/2018, there has been a tuition fee for international students (non-EU citizens) and a Second-study fee. Thus, in some cases, a tuition fee must be paid in addition to the semester fee.

Before enrolment, applicants from non-EU countries or applicants for a second degree program receive a form to assess whether a tuition fee obligation actually exists.

The amounts and detailed information can be found under Finances.

Yes, all students have their own laptop, as work on the projects continues at home. Students from the higher semesters advise you on the selection of a suitable laptop.

In addition, you will find fast PCs with fast graphics cards and good screens in the labs.

In the labs you will find the software you need for working:

  • Maya
  • Houdini
  • Substance Painter
  • Marvelous
  • Unity 3D
  • DaVinci Resolve

Many students get their own software licences because they also want to work on their projects at home.

No. You can rent the necessary equipment for photo and film projects from us. You can find the equipment on the film and photo studio. If you have a good system or DSLR camera, you can of course use it.




"Limbus" is a 3D animated horror short film in which a war veteran is caught up in the traumatic experiences of his past.



"Zahid" was created as a project 1. The goal was to create a teaser for a larger story, for which an authentic 2D look is combined with 3D animation.



ECOVAL is an app for eco-friendly travel planning with the aim of creating more awareness and interest in sustainability in the tourism sector.

Mediendesign, 3D Design


The 3D project "Temple" deals with the conception, realization and presentation of a post-apocalyptic environment.

EMD Hero

Embassy of Media Design

EMD - Embassy of Media Design. This will soon be the name of the alumni and support association for the Media Design program. The new website for this was created in this project.

Petch Teaser Bild


PETCH is a digital platform and application for animal placement that places special emphasis on ensuring the identity of animals as living beings and family members.

Make Web Sustainable

Make Web Sustainable

The website provides information about sustainable web design and aims to create awareness for this important topic.


Space Shuttle Launch

FX simulations and lookdevelopment of a space shuttle launch.

Mediendesign, Motion Design

Fly Away

The motion design project "Fly Away" was inspired by the song of the same name by the artist "TheFatRat" and realized with the help of 2D animation.

Tesla Spec Spot Teaser

Tesla Spec Spot

Full CG automotive spec spot for the Tesla Model 3. Complete workflow from initial ideas, to a storyboard with sketches and an animatic, to final render and video.

Awakening Of Nature Teaserbild

Awakening of Nature

The CGI film "Awakening of Nature" shows how nature comes back to life through the growth of various plants. The various effects were created procedurally and then rendered in real time.

Gendai no kantorihausu Teaser

Gendai no kantorihausu

Gendai no kantorihausu, or Japanese Modern Country House, is a real-time UE4 project that lets you walk through and explore the house in real time.

Dwarf Mine Teaser Bild

Dwarf Mine

Dwarf Mine is a 3D game created in the game engine "Unity". You play a young, 126 year old dwarf. The character's mission is to retrieve his beer mug from the mine, which he forgot in the mine tunnel after work.

Chasing Magazin - Ăśbersicht Doppelseiten


Chasing is a magazine that deals with time. It looks at the subject from different angles, as well as the scientific aspect and how social life changes over time.

Sawayama Titelplakat

Music posters and their regularities

The project focused on the analysis, conception and design of music posters and their regularities in composition and structure.

Tiger mit Blume


Since the animated film "Klaus", the bar for 2D animation is very high. The project "Sunrise" implements a scene inspired by this style.

Polaris Vorschaubild


Polaris is an astronomy-themed board game that can be played in combination with an app. The story takes place in the future, where people have managed to fly to the most distant stars.

Teaser Solemates

Solemates - Custom Sneakers

SOLEMATES is a UX concept for a custom sneakers online store that stands out from the usual scheme of shopping sites.

Cakedreams Backbuch Buch Cover


Cakedreams is a baking book that follows a modular principle and allows everyone to be creative in baking. A poster series was conceived and designed to go with the book.

Goldmädchen - Plakatmotiv


The thriller "Goldmädchen" was created as part of the subject Film. It is about the self-confident and easy-going thief Sarah, who goes to a noble bar one night in search of rewarding loot.

Moodle Redesign Teaser Dashboard

Redesign Moodle

In cooperation with the university didactics and lecturers, a new design for Moodle has been created, which is based on the corporate identity of RWU.

Magic Arrow Adventure Game Teaser

Magic Arrow

Magic Arrow is an action adventure game with role-playing elements for the smartphone. The game should have simple controls and be playable with one hand.

Jack und sein jĂĽngerer Geist

Jack's Dream

Do you know who you want to be in the future? The animated short film "Jack's Dream" is about Jack, a law student against his will.

Startseite SCA Website

Redesign SCA website

For the Sports Club Adelsdorf (SCA) a redesign of the website with focus on conception, navigation and design was developed in close cooperation with the board of directors.

A Climate Change Hero Still

A climate change hero

Whales are of great ecological value to humanity, having a surprisingly large positive impact on the world's climate.

Lost Places  - Verfallenes Gebäude

Lost Places

As part of a photo project, "Lost Places" were documented to bring this past back to memory.

Procedural Environment Design

Procedural Realtime Environment

A procedurally generated 3D environment inspired by the "Kowloon" district in Hong Kong.

Skate South Titelbild und Inhalt

Skate South

Skate South focuses on the people who make skateboarding what it is. Their passion. Their scars. Their perspective. Their mindset. Their cities. Their stories.

EMILY Film Teaser & Hero


The short film EMILY is a cross-semester project by Elias Engelhardt and Laurin Völcker.

Ăśbersicht Plakatreihe

Politics in a different way.

Unfortunately, political campaigns today are often staid and stale. This project explores how to use eye-catching design and provocative headlines to create a political campaign to remember.

A Bonfires Life Teaserbild

A Bonfire's Life

Short film about the story of a small, magical-looking campfire that comes to life with the help of particle systems and simulations.

Lilith Danton Portrait Rendering

Lilith Danton

Lilith is the mysterious and ruthless protector of the Queen of Corholt, a city-state in the Victorian era.

3D Rendering eines verlassenen Klosters


Godforsaken is a real-time 3D environment based on Unreal Engine 4.

Emotionserkennung im Austismus-Spektrum

Emotion Recognition

This bachelor's thesis explores user experience design for artificial intelligence applications for people on the autism spectrum.

Bravik Mittelalterliches Haus

Bravik - Medieval Township

Bravik is a medieval village set in a rural forest and hilly landscape.

Illustratives Bild einer Schreibmaschine

Communication - a brief history

Communication is the exchange of information. Through the development of language, humans were able to gather and pass on knowledge for the first time, thereby gaining an evolutionary advantage.

Instagram Logo

Follow us on Instagram

For many more projects and insights into our degree program, follow us on Instagram.

Keyvisual fĂĽr den Web Forward Blog

Web >> Forward

A blog for innovative web technologies at RWU: This is Web >> Forward. Students report here on their project work and final theses related to the web.

Bild aus dem Videostudio

Photo Studio & Film Studio

3D Figur von Andreas Lorer

3D & Game Development


Discover the Media Design degree program at RWU in Weingarten: Everything you need to know

Are you looking for a creative Media Design degree in Baden-WĂĽrttemberg? Then Weingarten is the right place! On this page you can find out what you need to know about studying Media Design at RWU - from the course content and requirements to options of specialisation and financing.

Requirements for studying Media Design

To study Media Design in Weingarten, you need a university entrance qualification (Abitur or Fachhochschulreife). To improve your admission grade by up to 1.5 grades, you can show your creativity in a voluntary homework assignment.

Study content Media Design (Bachelor of Science)

The Media Design degree program is interdisciplinary and covers many exciting areas such as graphic design, game design, web design, photography, film, user experience design, motion design, 3D design, programming and web development. You will acquire knowledge in communication design and work on exciting projects that focus on theory and practice.

Testimonials from Media Design students

Many Media Design students appreciate the personal atmosphere and close contact with the lecturers in Weingarten. The proximity to Lake Constance, the mountains and the Allgäu area offers an inspiring environment for creative work. Weingarten is also an attractive university town with over 7,000 students at RWU and PH Weingarten.

Media Design and Graphic Design in comparison

While the Graphic Design degree program focuses more on visual communication and design, the Media Design degree program offers a much broader spectrum of audiovisual and digital subjects and combines various disciplines that go beyond pure design.

Options of specialisation in Media Design studies

In the course of your studies, you can specialize in different areas such as game design, film, web development or user experience design. This allows you to develop your individual interests and strengths. During your studies, you create many work samples for your portfolio to show your versatility and apply for a practical semester or a job.

Career opportunities after graduation

There are many exciting career opportunities open to you after graduation. You can work in advertising agencies, design studios, in the film and games industry or start your own business as a freelancer. Salaries in Media Design vary depending on the industry and experience.

Differences between Media Design distance learning, face-to-face studies and dual studies

With face-to-face studies in Weingarten, you have personal contact with lecturers and fellow students, while with distance learning you study exclusively for yourself and remain anonymous. On campus you can make friends for life. With a dual study program, you have to work a lot and are usually less flexible and have less free time.

Scholarships and financing options

There are various financing options for your Media Design studies in Weingarten. You can apply for scholarships, BAföG or a student loan. Find out in good time about the various options to cover your living costs.


Your Media Design studies at an accredited and state-run university in Weingarten offer you a versatile and well-founded education in creative fields and a great study atmosphere. With the right prerequisites, a convincing portfolio and the right specialization, you have the best prerequisites after your studies to get started in the exciting world of digital media design. Take your chance and discover your passion for creative professions!

Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours During the lecture-free period: By appointment via e-mail
Web links
On campus
Building T
Doggenriedstr. 42
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Media Design
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Academic counselling & program management

Film, photography, presentation, usability
Head of study program and Advisor Media Design (Bachelor)
Prof. Klemens Ehret

Deanery Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Office of Applied Computer Science, Computer Science/Electrical Engineering PLUS Teacher Training, Media Design, Computer Science


Fundamentals of design, user experience design, usability engineering, digital innovation design
Member of the Senate, Member of the academic commission
Prof. JĂĽrgen Graef
Computer science, especially web development, cloud computing & software architecture
Dean of Studies Applied Computer Science (Bachelor)
Marius Hofmeister
Computer Visualization, Digital Transformation Design, Human-Computer Interaction
Coordinator for international affairs for Media Design and Applied Computer Science programs
Prof. Markus Lauterbach
Computer graphics, games programming and design
Daniel Scherzer
Embedded systems, mobile systems, apps
Head of study program of Computer Science/Electrical Engineering PLUS Teaching degree (Bachelor), Member of the Scholarship Selection Committee for the "Deutschlandstipendium"
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Weiss
Computer science, especially programming & software engineering
Head of study program of Applied Infomatics (Bachelor) and Computer Science (Master), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Zeller


Research Assistant for Applied Computer Science (B.Sc.), Computer Science (M.Sc.), Media Design (B.Sc.)
Academic employee for Fundamentals of Design, Typography, Editorial Design, Brand & Corporate Design
Robert Heissmann
Academic employee for photography, film, audio
Eva Gieselberg

Overseas Representative

Computer Visualization, Digital Transformation Design, Human-Computer Interaction
Coordinator for international affairs for Media Design and Applied Computer Science programs
Prof. Markus Lauterbach

Practice Office

Computer science, especially programming & software engineering
Head of study program of Applied Infomatics (Bachelor) and Computer Science (Master), Vice Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Zeller

Examination Office

Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Teaching degree programs, Media Design, PEM, UVM
Sandra Gmeinder


Online marketing, search engine marketing, e-business
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Bela Mutschler