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Complaints office - RWU conflict mediators



The term bullying comes from the English language and means to mob someone, to beat them up. Bullying is a special form of aggression. Bullying is understood to mean conflict-laden communication in the workplace between colleagues or between superiors and employees, in which the person being attacked is inferior (not in the hierarchical sense) and is systematically, frequently and over a longer period of time directly or indirectly attacked by one or more people with the aim and/or effect of excluding or driving them out of the workplace (expulsion from the employment relationship) and perceives this as discrimination.

The members of the RWU Complaints Office see themselves as a point of contact for employees of the university in such cases of conflict. As "conflict pilots", they want to offer help in advance of problems at the workplace.

Nevertheless, there is actually no such thing as bullying prevention ... but:

  • Ethics in the workplace
  • Participation
  • Good leadership quality
  • Regular analysis of interpersonal quality
  • Precisely regulated procedures in the event of bullying (see DV)

A good working atmosphere is an essential component of successful bullying prevention. This means mutual appreciation, open communication, transparency, good leadership quality, ethics in the office, employee participation, etc. Bullying prevention is not about avoiding disputes in general. It is about a respectful culture of debate and a "fair play" approach in the event of conflict.

(Source: Agreement for dignified cooperation, the bullying prevention strategy in the BMSK)

General Equal Treatment Act

The aim of the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) is to prevent or eliminate discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity.

Protection against discrimination in employment and occupation is the main focus of the AGG in accordance with the provisions of the Directive. In addition to a prohibition of discrimination under employment law and its exceptions, measures and obligations of the employer to protect against discrimination as well as the rights of employees (right to lodge a complaint, right to refuse performance) and their claims in the event of violations of the prohibition of discrimination (compensation, damages) are regulated.

(Source: Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth)

Further information

Contact & People

General contact details

Room D 026, C 024
On campus
Building D
Leibnizstr. 9
88250 Weingarten
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
Complaints office - RWU conflict mediators
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Complaints office for the General Equal Treatment Act

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Engelhardt

Vibration theory and machine dynamics
Dean of Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor), Dean of Students in the Dean's Office of Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Engelhardt

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Angelika Bosl

Akademische Mitarbeiterin
Angelika Bosl

Prof. Dr. phil. Götz Walter

Business psychology, change management, research methods, applied statistics
Dean of Studies Business Psychology (Bachelor)
Professor Dr. Götz Walter