Nayan Kadam M.Sc., M.A.
Phone | |
nayan.kadam@rwu.de | |
Room | B 007 |
On campus |
Building B
Leibnizstr. 12
88250 Weingarten |
Postal address |
RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences Nayan Kadam M.Sc., M.A. P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten Germany |
Mr. Nayan Kadam is Strategic Development Manager in the study coordination for the MBA program "International Business Management & Sustainability" and the Bachelor exchange program "International Academy" of the Faculty of Technology and Management. He is also actively involved in teaching. He is responsible for the course "Research Methods in Business Marketing" in the summer semester and the course "Intercultural Challenges in Customer and Account Management" in the winter semester. He was a guest lecturer at the MCI Management Center in Austria, where he held a seminar entitled "Innovative Key Account Management".
Mr. Kadam is also a doctoral candidate at the University of Bamberg, where he is writing his doctoral thesis on cultural aspects in global account management with a special focus on business relations between India and Germany. He regularly publishes articles in academic journals and presents his research at international conferences.
Mr. Kadam completed his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering in India and Master of Science in Mechatronics from RWU. He has also completed his second Master's degree in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship from RWU.
Nayan Kadam's publications are listed below:
A. Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication:
- Kadam, N., Niersbach, B., & Ivens, B. S. (2023). The cultural factors in global account management: the case of Indian buyers and German suppliers. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 38(2), 353-366.
B. Reviewed Conference Proceedings Publications:
- Kadam, N., Niersbach, B., Ivens, B. (2023), Causal complexities in Global Account Management: fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis approach, IMM Summit 2023 International Conference, Bamberg, Germany January 19-20, 2023.
- Niersbach, B., Kadam, N (2023), Gender match in KA Teams - a qualitative empirical analysis investigating how female and male KA Managers can complement each other with focus on their different individual roles and competences, IMM Summit 2023 International Conference, Bamberg, Germany January 19-20, 2023.
- Kadam, N., Niersbach, B., Ivens, B. (2022), The Conceptual Model for Global Account Management and Organizational Culture. CBIM 2022 International Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA June 21-23, 2022.
- Ivens, B., Kadam, N., Niersbach, B. (2022), The Cultural Factors in Global Account Management [Case of India and Germany], 21st IMT Conference, Rome, Italy, January 20-22, 2022.
- Ivens, B., Niersbach, B., Kadam, N. (2021), Cultural factors influencing Global Account Management in an Indian and German context, 37th Annual IMP Conference, Corg, Ireland, August 26-27, 2021.
- Ivens, B., Niersbach, B., Kadam, N. (2021), Cultural factors influencing Global Account Management in an Indian and German context, CBIM 2021 International Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA June 22-24, 2021.
C. Articles for Practitioners
- Kadam, N.; Niersbach, B.; Ivens, B. (2023): Cultural Diversity in Global Account Management, AKAM Bulletin, The Association for Key Account Management, 11-12