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Press release

Climate change - future - justice: a psychiatric perspective

Baum Gesicht Natur
In enger Verbindung: Die menschliche Psyche und das Klima
Bild: Adobe Stock / Jozsitoeroe

The event will take place on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, from 6 p.m. at Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences and aims to create an understanding of the connection between climate change and human mental health. Lectures will be given by PD Dr. Hans Knoblauch and Dipl.-Psych. Monika Stöhr.

Under the title "Climate change - future - justice: a psychiatric perspective", they will address a topic that is rarely considered in this depth. The lecture explores the questions of when the weather becomes a problem and why a purely physical view of climate change falls short of the mark. Climate change does not affect everyone at the same time and to the same extent.

Rather, it is those who are already vulnerable who are particularly hard hit by the effects of climate change.
A central topic is therefore the presentation of the climate consultation hour at the Center for Psychiatry (ZfP) in Wangen. This institution has set itself the task of researching the psychological effects of climate change and offering support to those affected. In their presentations, PD Dr. Hans Knoblauch, Head of the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic at the ZfP Wangen, and Dipl.-Psych. Monika Stöhr will show ways in which society can better deal with the mental stress caused by the climate crisis.

The event thus promises not only an insight into the psychiatric perspective on climate change, but also approaches to how we as a society can master the challenges of the climate crisis.

Registration for the event is not required. Admission is free of charge.

Text: Alec Weber



Ravensburg-Weingarten University of Applied Sciences | Leibnizstraße 10 | 88250 Weingarten | Room A316 - Building "A"

Start of the event: 18:00