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Study night in the canteen

17:00 23:00
Weingarten Cafeteria
Doggenriedstr. 28
88250 Weingarten
No registration is necessary. You can simply drop by with your work.
lernnacht juni

You are all invited to meet in the Mensa to study, prepare for exams and work on your current writing projects (HA/ BA/ MA ...) - also a good opportunity to get started.
In the foyer, subject experts as well as writing and STEM experts will be available to give you advice and support.

There will be another motivational workshop on November 29. We will also be giving away a few RWUalive coffee mugs.


We would like to organize a varied buffet. Everyone is welcome to bring something: from hearty treats to fruit gums, a healthy fruit salad or a delicious cake. We look forward to your contribution!