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Name, Teaching Area/Activity Contact
Volunteer Public Relations and Science Communication
  • Building H (main building)
  • Room H 107
Academic employee for photography, film, audio
  • Building T
  • Room T 109 & T 019/1
Materials science
Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Building H (main building)
  • Room H 136
Admissions Office, Student Administration Office
Teaching degree programs, Media Design, PEM, UVM
  • Building H (main building)
  • Room H 022
Fundamentals of design, user experience design, usability engineering, digital innovation design
Member of the Senate, Member of the academic commission
  • Building T
  • Room T 011
Engineering Design
Scientific assistant in the digital business department
  • Building V
  • Room V 209
Electrical drive technology, control engineering and mechatronics
Dean of Studies Automotive Engineering
  • Building D
  • Room D 021
Scientific assistant in the digital business department
Member of the Staff Council
  • Building V
  • Room V 307
Head of Practice Office Faculty M, QM Officer and Equal Opportunity Officer
  • Building H (main building)
  • Room H 122
Academic employee for Fundamentals of Design, Typography, Editorial Design, Brand & Corporate Design
Motor vehicles and vehicle mechatronics
  • Building H (main building)
  • Room H 057
Business administration, controlling, financing, business mathematics
Human Resources Administrator
  • Building H (main building)
  • Room H 134
Professor Master of Environmental and Process Engineering
Computer science, especially web development, cloud computing & graphical user interfaces
Internship Office Manager for Applied Computer Science, Media Design, Computer Science/Electrical Engineering PLUS Teaching Post
Business Intelligence & Predictive Analytics, ICT systems in tourism
Head of IDW - Institute for Digital Change
Student Examinations Office Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Student Administration Office
Study programs IO, IP, WB, WP, EMM, IN, MM, MW/DBM
  • Building H (main building)
  • Room H 023
Electric drives & controls, IT tools
  • Building D
  • Room D 023
Academic staff member FH staff project "rwu-prof
  • Building H (main building)
  • Room H208