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Representative for severely disabled persons (SBV)


We represent the interests of the severely disabled at RWU and provide them with advice. In particular, we work together with the staff council. The Social Code IX forms the basis of our activities.

Our tasks and duties

  • Promoting the participation of severely disabled persons and persons of equal status in working life in the company or in the workplace.
  • Monitoring compliance with laws, ordinances, service and works agreements, collective bargaining agreements and occupational health and safety regulations.
  • Supporting severely disabled employees in applying for measures related to participation in working life and in applying for severely disabled status or equal status.
  • Receivingsuggestions and complaints and organizing their handling.
  • Data protection: obligation to maintain confidentiality with regard to personal and company-relevant data.

Our rights

  • Participation in the hiring of severely disabled persons and the filling of jobs.
  • Hearing and notification rights: Employer's duty to inform and hear before decisions are made in all matters affecting an individual or the group of severely disabled employees. Dismissal of a severely disabled employee is invalid without hearing the representative body for severely disabled employees.
  • Right to suspend decisions for a period of one week to make up for a missing hearing.
  • Initiative for negotiations on an integration agreement.
  • Right toparticipate in all meetings of the staff council, its committees and the health and safety committee. Right to place topics relating to the participation of severely disabled employees on the agenda of the next meeting.
  • Rightto suspend resolutions of the personnel council for one week if the interests of the severely disabled employees appear to be affected.
  • Right to an annual meeting of severely disabled employees in the department. If necessary, the meeting can also take place more often.
  • Right to information: the SBV receives a copy of the employer's notification of the equalization levy every year.
  • Prohibition of discrimination: the SBV may not be discriminated against because of its honorary activity.
  • Additional protection against dismiss al like the staff council.
  • Release from work without reduction of remuneration for the fulfillment of the required tasks. The extent of the time off depends on the number of employees and the company's circumstances.
  • Freedom from costs: The employer must bear the costs arising from the fulfillment of the tasks.

Further information


Here you will find answers to questions that are frequently asked of the Representative Council for Severely Disabled Employees. Of course, we will also be happy to answer your questions in a personal meeting.

FAQ of the representative for severely disabled persons

What is the definition of severe disability and equality?

A disability is proven either by a notice of determination or a severely disabled person's ID card.


According to Social Code Book 9 (SGB IX), a person is considered severely disabled if his or her degree of disability (GdB) is 50 or higher.

The disability (restriction) is officially expressed by the degree of disability (GdB). The GdB starts with 20 and increases in steps up to 100.

Furthermore, the disability (restriction) can be officially expressed by so-called marks - these are special restrictions and associated rights.

Affected persons can apply for the determination of the disability at the responsible social welfare office. The degree is determined on the basis of the SGB IX and a "points catalog" from the Versorgungsmedizinverordnung (VersMedV). In the case of multiple illnesses, the points are not added together, but an overall degree of disability is formed.

People in working life with a GdB of 30 to 50 can apply to the Employment Agency (AfA) for equal status as a severely disabled person with a GdB of 50. Equated persons have almost the same rights to compensation for disadvantages in working life as the severely disabled.

A decision can be issued for a limited or unlimited period.

What disadvantage compensation is available for severely disabled persons in professional life?
  • General obligation of the employer (AG) to preferential hiring in case of equal suitability - §§154, 164, 165, 205 SGB IX.
  • Special consideration of severely disabled women - §164, 166 SGB IX.
  • Employment according to ability and knowledge - §164 SGB IX (previously §81)
  • Duty of the AG to invite to job interviews if an internal severely disabled person has applied for a position - § 165 SGB IX
  • Preferential consideration for internal measures of vocational education/training - §164 SGB IX
  • Facilitation of external vocational training measures - §164 SGB IX
  • Disability-friendly workplace design, design of the work environment, personnel planning, work organization, working hours - §164, 166 SGB IX
  • Right to preventive measures (BEM) - §166, 167 SGB IX
  • Right to health promotion - §166, 167 SGB IX
  • Right to work aids/work assistance - §185 SGB IX
  • Right to part-time work - §164 SGB IX
  • Right to release from overtime - §207 SGB IX
  • Additional leave of up to 5 days per year - §208 SGB IX
  • Special protection against dismissal - §167, 168 SGB IX (The protection already applies from the day on which the "application for severe disability" was filed. In case of dismissal, the SBV must be heard, then the integration office).
  • Right to be heard in case of discrimination - AGG, §154 SGB IX
  • Right to vote of severely handicapped representation - SchwbVWO
Which disadvantage compensations are there for severely disabled persons at school and in studies?
  • Extension of the examination time
  • Use of technical aids
  • Oral instead of written examination
  • Sign language interpreter for oral exams
  • Assistance with reading aloud, writing, changing buildings ...
Which disadvantage compensations are there for severely disabled persons in private life?
  • Blue parking permit (accompanying person if necessary)
  • Reduction for means of transport - bus, train, public transport, cab to the doctor
  • Reduction for means of communication - telephone, internet, mail
  • Reduction for cultural events - concerts, trips
  • Reduction for public facilities - museums, baths, castles
  • Tax benefits through lump sums according to §33 EStG etc.
  • Early retirement pension without deductions - with waiting period of 35 years
  • Euro WC key via CBF Darmstadt for 12,000 toilets in Europe (see directory "The LOCUS"). → In Weingarten post office parking lot
Contact & People

General contact details

Opening hours by arrangement
Postal address RWU Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 30 22
88216 Weingarten

Representative for severely disabled persons (SBV)

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Jürgen Schneider

Vorsitzender des Personalrats
Mitglied des Vorstands des Personalrats, Systemadministration und Support, Schwerbehindertenvertreter, Ersthelfer
 Jürgen Schneider